Fixed — Well, Almost

For the past six months I’ve been trying to get WordPress to fix a bug that was introduced in November when WordPress launched version 16.0 of its iOS app for the iPhone. If I visited another blogger’s post, either from my reader or from a pingback to one of my prompts in my notifications, I was unable to like or comment on the post in question unless it had “” in its URL (blog address). I couldn’t even like or comment on my own posts because my blog’s address is and not

Well, it appears that the fix is in. Well, kind of, anyway. As of today, when I attempt to like a post, this shows up on my iPhone’s screen:

I’m asked to log in to my WordPress account, which is weird because I’m already logged in to WordPress on the iOS app. But when tap on “Continue,” I am returned to the post in question and — hallelujah — I can like the post. Yay!

And sometimes I can leave a comment on the post, too. But for some reason, on some (but not all) posts, I will see this:

Again, I’m already logged in to WordPress, and I already came from the log in screen just to like the post, but when I tap on “You must be logged in to post a comment,” that same log in screen as shown previously appears, but when I tap on “Continue” and it takes me back to the post, the same “You must be logged in to post a comment” is still there and I can’t post a comment.

I am happy that the WordPress happiness engineers addressed the inability for me to like posts in the iOS app, although it has that extra step to do so. And while I can now also comment on some posts, I can’t on all posts.

So thank you, WordPress, for fixing the problem I’ve been bellyaching with you about for the past six months. Well, thank you your almost fixing it. There are still a few issue to be resolved.

Hurry Up and Wait

I was excited the other day when I saw that WordPress had pushed out an update to its iOS app for the iPhone. I was sure that version 16.1.1 had a fix to the Reader issue that by now you are no doubt tired of hearing me whine about.

After it installed on my iPhone, I opened the app, went to my Reader, and clicked “Visit” on a post that I had been unable to like or comment on after the previous update. Unfortunately, even with this new update, I was still unable to like or comment. Bummer.

So I sent a message to the happiness engineers.

I was disappointed yesterday, after installing version 16.1.1 of the WordPress app for iOS, that the issue with the WordPress Reader that surfaced when version 16.0 was installed, and for which I’ve been exchanging messages with various happiness engineers since November 3rd, is still unresolved. I hope your team will be releasing a fix for this issue in short order.

The response I got essentially reminded me that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Here’s the answer I received:

We understand this is frustrating. But even with high priority issues, it does not mean the fix will be released in the next update. Some things take longer to fix than others. We don’t have an ETA on this one yet, but our developers are working on it. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.

So I guess I’m in a hurry up and wait mode and the happiness engineers at WordPress will be taking their sweet time getting around to fixing the issue. As the old song says, they’ll be coming ’round the mountain when they come.

Another WordPress Bug

I just downloaded the latest update to the WordPress iOS app (version 16.0) for my iPhone. And guess what? There’s a bug! A big, ugly bug.

Now, when I go to my reader and then click to visit posts, I can no longer “like” any post and when I go to comment, it doesn’t recognize that I’m logged into the app and asks me to enter my name, email address and blog URL. I’ve never had to that before from within the WordPress app on my iPhone.

Why is it suddenly doing this? I never before had problems in the iOS app visiting another blogger’s actual post from the reader, liking it, and/or leaving a comment. This is so frustrating!

I opened up a help ticket and hope that the Happiness Engineers will be able to address this soon. In the meantime, I trust that you’ll understand that I can’t like or comment on your posts at the moment, so please forgive me.

WTF Blogger?

87F16EF0-7E93-4291-B36F-5BCED8510096I periodically receive comments on my posts from Blogger bloggers. And when I read their posts on Blogger, I would occasionally like to be able to “like” their posts, to post a comment, or even to follow their blogs. But I don’t know how!

I don’t see (or can’t find) anything that looks like a “like” button on Blogger. Neither can I find a way to indicate that I want to follow a Blogger blogger. And I can’t even figure out how to leave a comment on a Blogger’s posts.

When I attempt to comment on a Blogger’s post, I’m presented with this:9AA1F39D-9EA3-4449-A02A-01631625C9E5I can type in my comment, but since I don’t have a Google account for my blog, I have to, as shown above, select a “profile” by either entering my name and URL, or to post the comment anonymously. And so I select “Name/URL.”

That brings up this screen:F32A08F4-1572-48E1-8776-2447460C39E9I dutifully type in my name (Fandango) in the first field and my blog’s URL ( in the second field. But when I go to publish the comment, the comment disappears and nothing happens. Nada! Zippo! Where did my comment go?

So can anyone who is familiar with how Blogger works please explain to me, a WordPress blogger, how to “like,” follow, and/or comment on Blogger’s blog posts.

There’s got to be a way, right?