This Is Getting Old

At 6:45 this morning our power went out. This was our fourth outage in the past eight days. We’ve experienced heavy rains and strong, gusty winds, which have caused numerous downed trees falling across and taking out power lines, so it’s not surprising that we’re having all of these power outages.

The good news is that we have a whole house generator that kicks in as soon as the power goes out, and within seconds of the outage, our power is restored by the gas generator. We have lights, WiFi, a functioning refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, and everything we need. So, while these outages have been a bit of an inconvenience, our “suffering” from these power outages has been minimal.

But today, at 10:45 am, four hours after the power went off, our generator stopped working. I went outside to the unit and saw an error code and a message on the display screen to contact my generator service provider. I did make that call and was told that they are slammed and will do their best to get someone out to take a look at what the problem is and fix it today, but it might not be until tomorrow when they can get to us.

In the meantime, we are in the dark…or will be once the sun sets tonight.

50 Word Thursday —Trippin’

4C9C1579-F39C-4C36-B0D5-520A9F12CA0C.jpeg“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“On what you’re seeing.”

“I can’t describe what I’m seeing.”

“So how am I supposed answer your question?”

“What question?”

“You asked me if I’m seeing what you’re seeing.”

“Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“Seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Sure. Whatever.”

(50 Words)

Written for the 50 Word Thursday prompt, hosted this week by Teresa at The Haunted Wordsmith.

All Dressed Up and No Place to Go


I probably shouldn’t do this. It’s against my better judgment. After all, my philosophy is “you do you and I’ll do me.” So I’d be better off just keeping my mouth shut and minding my own business.

I also suggest, should you decide to take a moment and continue reading this post, that you lower your expectations, since I have no special qualifications or knowledge on the subject matter. I am merely expressing my opinion.

So what, exactly, is the subject matter? No biggie. Just the purpose of life is all.

I read a blog post earlier today in which the blogger wrote, “the reason for life is for God to know me, love me, and serve me.” Then the blogger said that our life’s purpose, our mission, is “to know, love, and serve God in this life so we will be happy with Him in Eternity.”

Now I’m not being critical of this blogger for her beliefs. Hey, whatever floats your boat, you know. But what she wrote did confuse me. The two statements seem contradictory to me. Is the purpose of life to let God know, love, and serve us? Or is it for us to know, love, and serve God? Which is it? Or is it both?

The blogger also can’t understand why anyone would fear death, because death is what allows us to be happy with God for eternity. Death, the blogger contends, is life changed, not life taken away.

I think the blogger has a point. Why bother fearing death if the sole purpose of life is to “be happy with God for eternity” and death brings you closer to it?

You see, this is why I’m an atheist. I believe that death is the end, that there is no afterlife, no eternity to be spent at the right hand of God. So I want to live my life to the fullest because death, I believe, is life taken away.

The blogger ended her post by writing, “The atheist reasoning best explained from an epitaph etched on a gravestone. ‘All dressed up and no place to go.’”

Yes, I agree with that. When it comes to death, the end is not a new beginning. It’s just the end and there is no place else to go.

Written for today’s Your Daily Word Prompt, “qualification,” for the Word of the Day Challenge, “expectation,” and for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge, “moment.”

50 Word Thursday — The Ring

DC722FF8-487C-4F60-BF89-E9686866E692If I’d stopped to think I might not have done it, but fury is a great disregarder of caution. I jumped into the murky water from the houseboat we’d rented to try to retrieve the diamond engagement ring my fiancé, in a fit of rage, threw overboard.

I decided to confess that I’d had sex with her sister, but tried to explain that I, in a moment of weakness, was seduced by her sister. That was no reason for her to toss that expensive ring into the water. 

Now my whole body is covered with welts from jellyfish stings.

(100 words)

Written for Deb Whitman’s 50 Word Thursday prompt. The idea is to respond to the prompt in multiples of 50 words – maximum of 250 words. Deb provides a photo and a random phrase from a book she is reading. We can use either or both. This week’s phrase is, “If I’d stopped to think I might not have done it, but fury is a great disregarder of caution.”