Paula Light — An Update

I recently wrote a post where I linked back to a 2021 prompt from Paula Light (of Light Motifs II). The link didn’t work because Paula abruptly shut down and removed her very popular WordPress blog this past August. She had been blogging for quite a while and just felt that she needed to step away.

After reading that post a few days back, a number of you talked about missing her and wondered what she’d been up to since abandoning her WordPress blog. I decided to reach out to Paula and told her that some of her former blogging friends were asking about her. Yesterday I heard back from Paula, and this is what she had to to say:

I have not returned to blogging, and I shut down my Medium and Substack accounts (though pieces of my writing may still be floating around those sites, idk). It was just too frustrating to try to build an audience on those sites when the big accounts took all the oxygen 24/7.

I joined Bluesky (the new Twitter), but that’s just for making short comments and posting cat pics and song links. I actually missed blogging for a minute the other week when I was sick because I had nowhere to post my profound thoughts regarding my re-viewing of Breaking Bad. I also have unposted opinions on the Bachelor shows!

Since I quit blogging, I have organized my blog poetry into two separate books for Kindle, and I also finally finished my book of long short stories. I am currently working on a murder mystery novel and doing a lot of arts & crafts.

I do miss the community, but I don’t think I will be restarting a blog. Please feel free to share with others what I’ve said here, if you wish.

So Paula is alive and well and being very productive. Good for her. Still, if she ever needs a “love boost,” I know those of us who followed her blog would wholeheartedly embrace her return to WordPress. But based upon what she wrote, I’m not holding my breath.

Good and Better News

First the good news:

I received an email from Apple this morning in response to my email exchange with them last night.

And now the better news:

A week after testing positive for Covid-19 and being treated with Paxlovid, I took the test again this morning: Negative! Woo Hoo!

FOWC with Fandango — Update


It’s August 31, 2022. Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “update.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.

Inspiration and Faithful

For those of you who, based upon the title of this post, were expecting a religious or spiritual post from me today, I’m sorry to disappoint. This post is actually in response to the Thursday Inspiration post hosted by Jim Adams and to the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Friday Faithfuls post, also hosted by Jim Adams.

For yesterday’s Thursday Inspiration prompt, Jim gave us the word “street.” What came to mind was the song “On the Street Where You Live” from the musical My Fair Lady.

But it also brought to mind my street, which is crowded with construction vehicles and workers. The neighborhood we live in now was built in the mid-fifties, and it looks like this summer, all of our neighbors on the block are doing major construction on their houses.

Next door neighbors are doubling the size of their home

The people on our left are doubling the size of their house. The people on their left are adding a large room in the back of their house. The house across the street was taken down to the studs and is being totally remodeled, and house next to that one just added a huge patio off the master bedroom. Even the house behind ours just put an addition to the back of their house.

And, yes, we are in the process of tearing out our water-hungry grass lawn and replacing it with a dry creek bed of stones and boulders and drought tolerant plants. Ah, climate change.

Our drought-friendly work-in-progress front yard

Head in the Clouds

I still haven’t figured out what the intent of “Friday Faithfuls” is, but Jim’s Friday Faithful post today was an education in cloud and edge computing. I didn’t really understand most of what he wrote, but at the end he said, “I would be happy if you basically wrote anything about a computer, or the internet.”

Alrighty then. I have a six year old Dell laptop that the folks at Dell keep trying to get me to trade in for a new, 2022 model. But I only boot up my laptop two or three times a month. My iPhone meets 95+% of my computing needs, including 100% of my blogging activities on WordPress.

In a bit of kismet, Jim mentioned in another post of his this morning that Apple was warning of a serious security flaw for iPhones, iPads, and Macs that allows hackers to access these devices. Apple’s vulnerability means that a hacker could get “full admin access” to the device. That would allow intruders to impersonate the device’s owner and subsequently run any software in their name.

Thanks to Jim’s timely post, I immediately updated my iPhone to the just released iOS update that addresses that security flaw. So thanks, Jim, for saving my ass from having some asshole hacker take control of my iPhone.

And that’s my post about a computer and the internet. I hope this does, indeed, make Jim happy.

Should You Be Interested…

For those of you who read my blog from time to time, I have a few updates to share with you. If you don’t regularly read my blog, this post will have no context, so you might want to move on. Or, you can click on the three subheadings below to link to the relevant posts.

Electric Car

We’ve had our electric car for nearly four months and I love it. It handles great, it’s fun to drive, it’s quiet, and, given the price of a gallon of gas where I live…

…I love smiling as I pass by all these gas stations and never have to fill up my tank.

Electric Bikes

The electric bikes I ordered online were delivered and I dropped them off at a bike shop to be fully assembled by professionals. This week I’m having a hitch installed on our electric car and later in the week my bicycle rack capable of carrying two electric bikes should be delivered. If all goes well, my wife and should be taking our first e-bike rides this coming weekend.

Prostate Cancer

I had an appointment with a urologist last week, and after reviewing my blood work and the MRI, he concluded that I probably do have prostate cancer. He said the next step would be for me to have a biopsy to confirm that. However, because (1) my PSA blood test showed levels only slightly above the high end of the range, (2) the mass is a relatively small one, and (3) cancer of the prostate is generally slow growing and men of my age are likely to die from something else before succumbing to prostate cancer, I said I’d prefer to take a “watch & wait” approach. So he agreed to wait for six more months and to take another blood test to see if my PSA number has increased enough to make it concerning.