#writephoto — The Affliction

816039B2-B119-44DB-A716-265E5BA8D220When the Affliction first appeared a decade ago, there was fear that the infection had the potential to wreak havoc across the country and could cause infinite damage to the heathy citizens.

In an unprecedented move, authorities rounded up the Afflicted and quarantined them in an isolated area behind thick stone walls and secured them behind a large, heavy gate with a strong chain and lock.

Even though the isolation of the Afflicted in the large internment camp had stemmed the tide of the disease, a growing segment of the healthy population stood in diametric opposition to the continued internment of the Afflicted. The Opposition believed that the infection that had caused the Affliction in the first place had morphed into a benign parasite since there were no new cases in years. They staged protests, elected Opposition candidates who were sympathetic to their cause, and ultimately got legislation passed to release the Afflicted back into the general population.

At a major event to celebrate their victory, the Opposition leaders gathered in front of the large, heavy gate and cut the thick chain that secured the gate’s door. Thousands of Affliction survivors streamed out from behind the gate, grateful for their freedom.

Unfortunately, the Opposition leaders were wrong. The parasite that had infected the Afflicted had not turned benign. Instead, with no healthy beings to feed upon, it had gone dormant. But upon reintegration into the healthy population, the parasites found new hosts and began to spread rapidly among the healthy. A new Affliction ultimately devoured the uninfected, creating a zombie-like society populated entirely by the Afflicted.

This dystopian tale was written for Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo prompt. Also for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (infinite), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (chain), Ragtag Daily Prompt (diametric), and Word of the Day Challenge (devour).

321 Quote Me! — Courage

716F3134-1A3E-4D71-BAEA-C863A92593FAKristian, at Tales From the Mind of Kristian, tagged me for the 321 Quote Me! Challenge, where the topic is courage.

The rules for this challenge are:

  • Thank the Selector — Thanks Kristian.
  • Post 2 quotes for the dedicated Topic of the Day — See below.
  • Select 3 bloggers to take part in ‘321 Quote Me!’ — See below the quotes

So, surprise surprise, my quotes come from two highly regarded politicians and leaders. If only our current “leaders,” like Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham, the rest of the Republicans in Congress, would demonstrate even an ounce of courage, we’d be so much better off.

“Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

Harry S. Truman

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

Winston Churchill

Okay, now it’s time to tag three other bloggers. How about:

Jim Adams at A Unique Title for Me
John at The Magic Shop
Nova at My Namastè 365 Online

Alrighty then. Go with courage everyone.

In Other Words — Invisible Injury

FD5300A3-5A76-4B67-97A2-47D721BDA967If you’ve ever suffered from a broken rib, then you’ll understand why I call it the invisible injury.

For at least a month after breaking a rib, simple, natural, everyday acts — coughing, sneezing, laughing, blowing your nose, or even pushing out a stubborn poop — can lead to excruciating pain.

You pray that no one comes up to you to give you a hug, to slap you on your back, or even to vigorously shake your hand.

And since you’re not wearing a cast, no one knows that you’ve got a broken rib.

At least when you have a broken arm or a broken leg, others can see that you’ve broken something, so, unlike with a broken rib, your injury is not invisible.

Written for the In Other Words prompt from Patricia’s Place. The challenge this week is to write a story or poem of five lines or fewer using the word “invisible.”

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

283B76F2-947F-427E-86DE-0ABC47F4C9C5“Who’s stupid idea was it to invite an elephant to our house for dinner?” mouse one asked.

“It’s really cold and snowy outside,” mouse two piped up. “I felt bad for the big guy and I thought he might like to come over, warm up around our fire, and enjoy a nice hot meal.”

“Are you daft?” mouse three asked. “How did you think that big galoot could possibly fit into our little house?”

“I think our home is quite roomy,” mouse two responded defensively.

“It is, if you’re a mouse,” mouse four said. “But not if you’re an elephant!”

“And even if, by some miracle, that elephant could fit into our house,” mouse five said, “what would we feed him? A few pieces of cheese? I’m sure he’d find the taste of a dozen plump mice much more to his liking.”

“Oh crap,” mouse one said. “That stupid elephant is trying to push his way into our house.”

“Yes,” said mouse three, “And now that big galoot is using his trunk to push our home right out of the tree. And with that, the house went crashing to the ground.

“Next time,” mouse one said to mouse two, “just remember that size matters.”

I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. That date, according to February’s Speculative Fiction Prompt from Diana, at Myths of the Mirror, was February 21st. But, as I always sometimes say, better late than never. And, after all, it’s still February, right? Photo credit: Marianne Sopala@Pixabay.com.

FOWC with Fandango — Chain

FOWCWelcome to February 28, 2019 and to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed to fill the void after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt.

I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (US).

Today’s word is “chain.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will marvel at their creativity.