A2Z Challenge — The Letter E

I am unofficially participating in this year’s A to Z Challenge. My theme this year is girlfriends.

E is for Eileen K.

My sister, the one nine years older than me, had a best friend named Phyllis. Phyllis had a younger sister, Eileen, whom I only met once when were both around 12. I wasn’t too impressed with her at that time. She was a petite and seemingly a bratty little girl.

Flash forward eight years, when I was in my sophomore year at college. I got a call from my sister asking me if I’d want to be fixed up with her friend’s Phyllis’ little sister, Eileen. I was reluctant at first, but my sister told me that Eileen had grown into a stunning young woman.

I gave in to my sister’s pressure, called Eileen, who was attending the same college I was going to and asked her if she wanted to go to one of our college team’s basketball games and then to get a bite after the game. She agreed and I made arrangements to pick her up in her dorm shortly before the game at 1:30.

Eileen had, indeed, grown up to be an attractive woman. She was very exotic looking, with long, almost black hair, dark eyes, and a very tanned skin. She was still petite, maybe only 5’3, but had a very sexy body. I was pleasantly surprised.

I noticed, though, that she’d had a nose job, which was notable because she had the exact same nose as every other girl I knew who had a nose job. But that didn’t bother me at all because she really was pretty.

So we get to the field house to watch the college basketball game. I’m really into it and late in the second half, one of the players on our team made an amazing slam dunk, giving our team the lead. I jumped up, did an enthusiastic fist pump, and when I brought my arm back down, my elbow hit her hard right on her nose. And broke her nose! I just broke her relatively new and probably expensive nose.

My sister was pissed at me.

Previous 2024 A2Z posts: A B C D

34 thoughts on “A2Z Challenge — The Letter E

  1. Sadje April 5, 2024 / 4:02 am

    Oh no! Must be very painful 😣

    Liked by 1 person

  2. newepicauthor April 5, 2024 / 7:44 am

    I guess it wasn’t meant to work out for you two. My sister got me a date with her aerobics instructor, and I took her to a company party. Everyone loved her, but I lit up a joint on the way home from the party and that was the last date I got with her.

    Liked by 1 person

      • newepicauthor April 5, 2024 / 8:36 pm

        No, but I needed to light up after spending a night with my co-workers.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Marleen April 5, 2024 / 11:32 am

    There are people who I think look better with their natural nose, and I kinda don’t see the point of getting surgery. But I’d sure hate to have a new nose busted.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leigha66 April 6, 2024 / 4:01 pm

    It was not like you did it on purpose… oops!

    Liked by 1 person

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