Basketball Tales

F02F7A2F-489F-483C-9D41-F5D703B3AC67“Josh and I were playing a game of pick-up basketball with some other guys at a KOA campground in Jackson, Wyoming, just east of the Snake River and not far from Jackson Hole, when from out of nowhere, a freakin’ mountain lion sauntered onto the basketball court,” Ed said.

“No freakin’ way,” Alan said, taking a big hit off the bong.

“Okay,” Ed said. “It was just a yellow Lab, but still….”

Written for Paula Light’s Three Things Challenge, where the three things are lion, basketball, and Wyoming.

Run Away

C108B371-E106-45E2-AB9C-6D6529C8AB05Okay, yes, I was in a jealous rage when I hit him with my putter, but I only meant to hurt him, for crissake, not to kill him. Oh how I wish I could go back in time and return to those more innocent times. I’m feeling so nostalgic for those wonderful days when we were young newlyweds. We were oh so happy. But now, I see my reality and realize that I can’t escape the present. I look down and see the blood oozing from the wound on his head, a wound I put there. I am going to have to run away, to take flight. I’m going to have to disappear from this world and go someplace where I will be forever safe, where I’ll be alone, and where nobody knows my name.

Written for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (jealous), Ragtag Daily Prompt (putter), Swimmers (kill), Word of the Day Challenge (return), Your Daily Word Prompt (nostalgic), and The Daily Spur (flight).

I’m a Man of Mystery

E00B85AC-8286-4C62-8BDC-B82F112286F3.jpegI mean I must be. Why else would Carol Anne of Therapy Bits have nominated my blog for the Mystery Blogger Award? According to Carol Anne, the Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blogs not only captivate; they inspire and motivate. Woo hoo.

Never mind that I have declared my blog to be an award-free blog. With that kind of flattery, what can I do but accept Carol Anne’s nomination? Thank you, Carol Anne.

That said, I’m going to follow only two of the many ground rules for this nomination. I’m going to tell you three things about me and I’m going to answer Carol Anne’s questions. What I’m not going to do is nominate 10-20 other bloggers for this award. Instead, I’m going to open it up to any and all other bloggers to tell us three things about themselves and to answer the same five questions Carol Anne asked her nominees.

So, three things about me:

  1. I have more hair on my chinny chin chin than I have on the tippy-top of my head.
  2. I have tinnitus (a constant, high pitched ringing) in both ears.
  3. I am a Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and Boston Celtics fan even though I live on the other side of the country.

And now to Carol Anne’s questions:

1. Do you like soda? Yes, I typically drink two glasses of Diet Coke on most days (with lunch and with dinner).

2. Are you a procrastinator? Only when it comes to doing things I don’t particularly want to or like to do.

3. Do you have weird dreams? All of my dreams are weird. But usually, within a few minutes of waking up, I can’t remember what it was that I dreamed about. The exceptions are the occasional recurring dreams that I periodically have, which I wrote about here.

4. What is your daily routine like? I wake up, have a cup of coffee while reading the morning newspaper. Then I take a shower, have breakfast, walk the dog, read and write posts, have lunch, walk the dog, read more posts, have dinner, watch some TV, walk the dog, get in bed, read and write posts, go to sleep. It’s all very exciting.

5. Do you like binge watching shows? Some shows. If there are streaming shows, like on Netflix or Hulu, yes. In other cases, such as weekly dramas, I may record an entire season of the show and not watch it until the season is over, and then binge watch it. I’m doing that now with a show on BBC America titled “Killing Eve.” Great show!

Song Lyric Sunday — Feelin’ Groovy

For this week’s Song Lyric Sunday, Jim Adam has given us the words Cool, Groovy, Hip, Nifty, Radical, and Swell to use as the theme. I decided to go with “groovy” because it reminds me of a girl I was dating way back when. Her name was Rita (and no, she wasn’t a meter maid, but she was lovely). One of Rita’s favorite words was “groovy.” To her, everything was groovy. Even me. She would tell me that I was “the grooviest” guy she ever dated.

My song choice, then, is Simon & Garfunkel’s “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy).”

Written by Paul Simon, the song appeared on the duo’s 1966 album, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Despite being one of Simon & Garfunkel’s best-known songs, it was never a hit for them. However, Harpers Bizarre covered the song in 1967, and their record rose to number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, making it the musical group’s best-selling hit.

The 59th Street bridge (officially the Queensboro Bridge), goes over the East River in New York City, connecting Queens to Manhattan. The Queensboro Bridge is notoriously noisy and mechanical. You walk on metal graters that vibrate as the traffic zooms by, creating a dangerous, and what some have described as an exciting, sensation. This could be the background for “Slow down, you move too fast….” New York has a very hectic pace. In this song, Paul Simon reminds us to slow down and appreciate the simple pleasures in life, like cobblestones and flowers.

This was one of the first uses of the word “Groovy” in a popular song. It gave the songwriters Carole Bayer Sager and Toni Wine inspiration for the first “Groovy” hit: “A Groovy Kind Of Love.”

Here are the lyrics to “Feelin’ Groovy.”

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy

Hello lamppost, what’cha knowing
I’ve come to watch your flowers growin’
Ain’t cha got no rhymes for me?
Doo-ait-n-doo-doo, feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy

I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep
I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morningtime drop all its petals on me
Life, I love you, all is groovy