W is for Whoa

298FB7DA-4BA5-4017-9F88-DC7DF2F28989“Whoa!” That is what I often say multiple times a day each time I read or hear the latest news on the words or actions of Donald Trump, his surrogates and sycophants.

Whoa! When Kirstjen Nielsen was the secretary of Homeland Security, she reportedly wanted to warn the White House about Russian interference in the upcoming 2020 election, but Trump’s chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, told her not to bring it up to the President because he still believes any discussion about Russia’s election interference undermines his 2016 election victory and doesn’t want to hear it, much less do anything to prevent it.

Whoa! Donald Trump told Sean Hannity that the Russia investigation was an attempted coup by the Democrats and that it was an effort to overthrow the government of the United States.

Whoa! Donald Trump, in his attempts to obstruct Congress from conducting oversight of the Executive Branch, has instructed his current and former aids to defy congressional subpoenas and to violate their legal obligations.

Whoa! Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has once again delayed a decision on whether to turn over President Trump’s tax returns to Congress, which according to law, the IRS must do when such tax returns are formally requested by Congress.

Whoa! Trump and the Trump Organization are suing House Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah Cummings to stop subpoenas for financial information from the president’s businesses. This from the man who claims that he is the most transparent president in history.

Whoa! The five conservative Supreme Court Justices, two of which were appointed by Trump, are showing signs that they are inclined to vote in favor of allowing the addition of a citizenship question on the 2020 census, despite the fact that the Constitution requires that every person residing in the United States — not just citizens — be counted each decade.

I could go on and on, but whoa!

Previous A to Z Challenge 2019 posts:

13 thoughts on “W is for Whoa

  1. rugby843 April 26, 2019 / 7:31 am

    I use the same expression but you know what? I doubt there will be any reining in of the most despicable Trump. It’s mind boggling every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. newepicauthor April 26, 2019 / 10:11 am

    Whoa, Nelly is an exclamation of surprise used to slow down a horse named Nelly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dave Roller April 26, 2019 / 10:21 pm

    I think it is very logical to be concerned about Trumps fitness to lead our country. I think it’s illogical to say that your cat and your dog are your favorite anmal. They are 2 different species, so they can’t be one animal. That being said , let me know their names as I would vote for either of them before I would ever vote for Trump. One of the 10 percent of republicans who does not feel that Trump is doing a good job.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango April 26, 2019 / 11:13 pm

      Surely you can’t expect me to choose between my dog and my cat as to which is my favorite animal. That would be like asking me to choose between my son and my daughter for my favorite child. Can’t do it. With that out of the way, it’s nice to meet one of the 10%!


  4. leigha66 April 27, 2019 / 8:49 pm

    Whoa indeed… he just keeps making me shake my head.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Marleen April 30, 2019 / 1:16 pm

    The five conservative Supreme Court Justices, two of which were appointed by Trump, are showing signs that they are inclined to vote in favor of allowing the addition of a citizenship question on the 2020 census, despite the fact that the Constitution requires that every person residing in the United States — not just citizens — be counted each decade.

    I remember the ultraconservatives running up to the 2000 census were telling people far and wide they don’t have to answer anything but address and how many people. And not to.

    My, how things have changed. (Not in the census law, in Republicans.)

    Liked by 1 person

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