MLMM Sunday Writing Prompt — Everyday Objects

e9301ce7-05aa-4c3e-8b00-a20433e8bc13.jpeg“Oh yes, sage Uncle,” Billy said, his voice oozing with sarcasm, “regale us with your magical tricks. I can barely contain my enchantment over the wondrous things you will be sharing with us.

“Oh ye of little faith,” Uncle Scott said. “I promise you that what I will be showing you will pique your interests.”

“Come on, Billy,” his younger brother, Dennis, said. “Let’s see what Uncle Scott wants to show us.”

“Fine,” Billy said to Dennis. “It’s just that he’s nothing but a two-bit hustler and he makes my blood boil.”

“Yeah, Billy boy, don’t be such a cynic,” Scott said. “Now I need you two to come up with two everyday objects for my little demonstration. Dennis, let me have your fidget spinner. And Billy, hand me your iPhone.”

“No way,” Billy objected, “that I’m going to give you my iPhone.”

“Oh Billy,” Dennis said, “give it to him. It’ll be fun.”

Billy reluctantly handed his iPhone to his Uncle. With fidget spinner and iPhone in hand, Uncle Scott put them on the coffee table and covered them up with a hand towel. “Now watch this, nephews,” Uncle Scott said. “I’m going to recite an ancient Celtic incantation and these two everyday objects will vanish into thin air.”

“Wait!” Billy yelled. “You’re going to make my iPhone disappear. No way.”

“Don’t you trust me, kid?” Uncle Scott asked.

“Fine,” Billy said. “Just don’t break it.”

Uncle Scott began chanting in some language that neither Billy nor Dennis understood. When he finished, he pulled the hand towel away and the iPhone and fidget spinner were missing.

“Cool!” Squealed Dennis.

“Great,” said Billy unenthusiastically. “So where did they go?”

“Well, boys,” Uncle Scott said, “Truth be told, I know the incantation to make everyday objects disappear, but I haven’t quite figured out the one that can make them reappear.”

“Son of a bitch,” Billy muttered. “I knew it.”

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Sunday Writing Prompt (everyday objects) and for these daily prompts: Ragtag Daily Promot (sage), Swimmers (us), Your Daily Word Prompt (enchantment), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (pique), and Word of the Day Challenge (blood).

9 thoughts on “MLMM Sunday Writing Prompt — Everyday Objects

  1. Irene February 11, 2019 / 1:00 pm

    Wouldn’t it be cool if an ancient druid got the objects?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango February 11, 2019 / 1:17 pm

      Would they have any clue what to do with them? Especially the iPhone.


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