To Mask or Not to Mask

Rory, A Guy Called Bloke, asked today:

1] Are you currently wearing face masks when you go out into public wherever you are in the world?

Before I answer this questions, Rory wrote, “…the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation, or better known as those born between the years of 1946 – 1964, are ‘appalled’ at the prospect of wearing a mask despite it protecting others and themselves.”

I’m a Baby Boomer and, yes, I wear a mask whenever I leave my home. And quite honestly, almost everyone of my generation that I personally know, anyway, also wears a mask when they go anywhere because, as older folks, we happen to fall into a higher risk group than those who are younger than us. In fact, I’ve found that age is not as much of a critical factor in terms of mask wearing as political ideology is. It’s more likely that Republicans (conservatives) of all ages in the U.S. are the ones who seem appalled at the notion of wearing face masks.

2] What type of masks (as in practical or stylish) are you wearing?

Very practical. Nothing stylish about the masks I wear.81A6E190-B316-4D98-BA68-68273250FC963] How do you feel about the wearing of masks? Do you see it as a protection or an infringement on your civil rights?

Wearing face masks helps to protect me and helps to protect others that I may come in contact with. Wearing a mask is the safe and sensible thing to do in the face (no pun intended) of a highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. Anyone who believes wearing a face mask is an infringement on their civil rights is a selfish, ignorant asshole. Period. Full stop. End of story.

It Really Doesn’t Matter

1FA602C7-4F0C-4F64-BD02-238A13089AFD“Did you remember to get the tickets for the charity gala at the country club for the week after next like I told you to?” Diana asked her husband.

“Ugh, I find those galas to be sickening,” Ronald replied. “I hate those ostentatious affairs with all of those pretentious phonies trying to outdo one another with their disingenuous shows of generosity. All they care about are the tax deductions.”

“You are so goddam lazy and selfish,” Diana said. “You know that I enjoy these charity events. And they raise a lot of money for worthy causes. I’m asking you to do this one thing for me and all you can do is turn it into a conflict. What is your problem, Ronald?”

“Fine,” Ronald said. “I’ll buy the damn tickets. It really doesn’t matter to you what I think anyway, does it, Diana?”

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (gala), Word of the Day Challenge (sickening), Ragtag Daily Prompt (lazy), The Daily Spur (conflict), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (matter), and Jibber Jabber (buy).

Three Things Challenge — Who’s Counting?

counting eggs“What are you doing, sweetie?” she asked.

“I’m counting our eggs before they hatch,” he responded.

“Why are you doing that?” she asked.

“Our teacher told us to count our eggs before they hatch,” he said.

“I think you’re a bit confused, honey,” she said. “The old saying is about not counting your chickens before they hatch.”

“But we don’t have any chickens, so how can I count them when all we have are eggs?” he asked.

“It means…” she started to say. Then she decided the better of trying to explain it to her five year old son. “So how many eggs are in that carton, sweetie?”

Written for today’s Three Things Challenge prompt from Di over at Pensitivity101. The three things are “chicken,” “counting,” and “bit.” Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Three Line Tales — Wall Art

36E4184A-53A5-4C85-BE84-57562BB54401Stepping back from the wall, Reggie looked at his work in progress and said aloud, “This is damn good and when I’m done with it, it’s is gonna get me a name for myself for sure.”

The police officer stepped up behind Reggie, slapped handcuffs around his wrists, and said, “It is good, Reggie, but the only this is going to get you is a night in jail. You should know better than to tag your wall art on the side of a Walmart.”

Written for this week’s Three Line Tales from Sonya. Photo credit: Miguel Bruna.

Friday Fictioneers — Special Delivery

7F091658-C4AC-4741-9971-0DC056D718E4“How long are you going to let that box sit outside of the gate?” Maria asked.

“I know what’s in it and I don’t want it,” Louis said. “It’s my stuff from Donna’s that I left there after she kicked me out. It will only serve to remind me of how I screwed things up with her.”

“You can’t just leave it out there,” Maria said. “If you don’t want it, take it to the post office and send it back. In the meantime, you can stay here with me for as long as you want.”

“Thanks, Ma,” Louis said.

(100 Words)

Written for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Photo credit: Jean L. Hays.