Thursday Inspiration — The Puzzle of Love

img_0181Last night I know I hurt you, but I hope you’ll give me a chance to make up for the harm I’ve done. I’m so sorry and I hope you’ll let me prove to you how bad I feel.

Love, to me, is like a puzzle and I’ve always had trouble getting all of the pieces to fit neatly together. I want to create a beautiful picture of the two of us, but some of the pieces are missing and it makes me angry. Very, very angry. And then I say or do something really stupid.

My darling, only love can break a heart, and only love can mend it again. Please try to forgive me. Let’s work on this puzzle together, my love. Can we work to finish the beautiful picture of the two of us as one? Will you let me hold you and love you for always and always?

Inspired by Paula Light’s Thursday Inspiration prompt, where the theme is “heart.” And by this song, written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David and recorded by Gene Pitney.

What a Tangled Web

4FAED5BD-CF6E-48C6-980C-61F53B7D17D3“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive,” Carol said.

“Huh? Did you say something?” Mick asked.

“I did,” Carol said. “I was looking for a stamp, and when I went to find one in you desk drawer, I happened to stumble upon something very interesting.”

Mick swallowed hard, the specter of bad news hanging heavy in the air. “How many times have I told you that my desk is off limits to you, Carol. That’s where I keep all of my highly sensitive work documents. You’re really starting to get my goat.”

“Oh, I got you goat, all right. You definitely would prefer that I remain uninformed about the type of ‘highly sensitive’ things you keep in your desk, wouldn’t you, Mick,” Carol said. “Like that very, shall we say, ‘sensitive’ note from your secretary.”

“You’re misinterpreting that note, Carol,” Mack said. “She wasn’t referring to me and her. It was about something else entirely.”

“There you go again,” Carol said. “What are you going to ask me to swallow next, how green is blue? Unfortunately for you, you’re such an inept little spider that you’re getting trapped by your own web of deceit. I’m leaving you.”

Written for these daily prompts: Word of the Day Challenge (stumble), Your Daily Word Prompt (specter), Daily Addictions (goat), The Daily Spur (uninformed), Ragtag Daily Prompt (how green is blue), and Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (spider).

SoCS Badge Contest

I’m a regular when it comes to participating in Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, so when she put out the call for a new SoCS badge, I searched my photo library for something I though might be suitable.

I came up with this photo of a family of ducks floating along a stream on Stowe Lake in Golden Gate Park. Per Linda’s instructions, I added the “Stream of Consciousness Saturday” banner and my name and blog address to the photo. Here it is:SoCS Badge EntryAren’t those ducklings the cutest little things?

Anyway, Linda will be posting all submitted badges on her blog on Thursday October 24th, along with a poll that will close the next day, on Friday the 25th. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to Linda’s blog next Thursday and vote for my badge. This blog post will self-destruct in five seconds, Mr. Phelps.

So, easy peasy, right? Thanks for your support and for your vote!

Did You Miss Me?

Our out-of-town guests are, once again, out-of-town, so that means our hosting and tour guide duties are over. We had a pleasant time exploring the Bay Area with our guests. It was Fleet Week last week and this past weekend, which meant the Blue Angels precision flight teams were loudly streaking across the San Francisco skies.Blue AngelsWe spent time on the East Bay (Berkeley, Oakland, Walnut Creek), drove down to Half Moon Bay for a delightful lunch by the ocean, hung out at Ocean Beach, walked around Golden Gate Park, and took a cruise to Alcatraz Island.Alcatraz We also took advantage of the great cuisine San Francisco has to offer. And we even threw in a minor California earthquake while they were here. All in all, it was a fun, albeit exhausting, week.

As to blogging, I was able to schedule my daily FOWC With Fandango prompts in advance and to publish a few other random posts during the week our guests were here. I tried to read and respond to your comments, but, for all intents and purposes, I ignored my Reader, which meant I didn’t read most of your posts over the past six days. No doubt, I missed some great ones. I will try, once again, to get back into reading everything that shows up in my Reader from those of you I follow.

My stats did take a bit of a hit during my week as a tour guide, but that’s to be expected, I suppose, as I wasn’t nearly as prolific during the period as I usually am.Hit to statsBut I guess that’s to be expected. Fewer daily posts equals fewer daily views.

Anyway, I had a great time with our houseguests, but I really did miss you guys.

Stay at Home Shopping

Online ShoppingOther than for groceries, I am strictly an online shopper. There is almost nothing you can’t get online anymore. And I’ve reached the point where I just don’t have the patience to do the whole brick and mortar retail store thing anymore.

The case for online shopping for virtually anything and everything is simply too compelling. I can be sitting on the toilet, iPhone in hand, and in a few screen taps, I can buy a new pair of sneakers scheduled for free delivery the next day. Or dog food, cat litter, tools, toothpaste, t-shirts, batteries, jeans, whatever.

Even big things, like patio furniture, throw rugs, a bicycle rack for my car, a new laptop and monitor, can be purchased online.

And it’s all delivered right to my front door, like magic. Why “go out” shopping when you can “stay in” and have it all?

So I’m sorry to all of you mall stores, big box stores, department stores, clothing stores, or nearly every other kind of physical store. And I’m really sorry to all of you who work at these brick and mortar stores who are getting pink-slipped. But when just about everything I need comes to me, why should I have to go to you?

Think about it.

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Tale Weaver prompt, which is all about shopping.