SYW — Sharing My World

38B87E39-FDF7-4E88-8D95-8BD9B09B45C9I thought I’d give Cee’s Share Your World challenge another go this week. She asks some very intriguing questions of us bloggers and here are this week’s.

What would you name the autobiography of your life? “A Very Ordinary Man.”

Which do you prefer sweet, salty or buttery? That depends upon what’s on the menu. For croissants, it’s buttery. For desserts, it’s definitely sweet. As to salty, I do try to keep my intake of salt to a minimum, but I am a sucker for potato chips cooked in sea salt. 

What’s the finest education? Well, I have a formal education including a masters degree. However, while I learned a lot in school, including how to think independently and creatively, I have to say that my best education came from life’s lessons.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week? I appreciate it when apps for my iPhone work the way they are supposed to. Since the beginning of this month, after I downloaded the latest update to the WordPress app for iOS, the operating system for my iPhone, it’s been unusable.

I have gone round and round with the “happiness engineers” at WordPress, sending them a bunch of screenshots demonstrating the issue, which is basically that, from within the app, none of the “Share this” buttons or the “Like” and “Reblog” buttons are showing whenever I visited another blogger’s post from within the app’s reader. They would show up, though, if I accessed those same sites using the Safari or Chrome browsers on my iPhone. Just not from within the WordPress app.

The techno-gurus at WordPress we’re having trouble figuring out how to fix the problem with the app because they said they couldn’t replicate it. But today I received an email that said this:

“I’ve been digging further into the report and have been able to replicate the issue with missing share/like buttons in the beta version of the app. I’ll get this reported back to our developers now that we have steps to replicate, and will let you know when I hear back.”

That made me smile!

13 thoughts on “SYW — Sharing My World

  1. Victoria Stuart July 9, 2018 / 12:12 pm

    Wow, this has been a continual issue for me, as well. I know that rush of serotonin when someone “likes” my post, and I really want to give back, but often, a pop-up window is blocked and my “like” of someone’s post is not recorded. Thanks for cluing me in that I can take this up with WordPress. I wanna be able to give out more likes and dopamine highs!


    • Fandango July 9, 2018 / 6:24 pm

      I found your comment in my spam folder and had to manually identify it as not spam and then manually approve it. Something is amiss with WordPress, me thinks.


  2. Paula Light July 9, 2018 / 2:21 pm

    That was fun! I haven’t been participating in as many of the group/social bloggy activities as I’d like to because my time has been taken up with long whiny self-indulgent poasts, but I may try to do something tonight. Do you recommend the WP app? I tried it years ago and it was terrible, but now that I’m without a laptop, I’ve been thinking about trying it again. I have an iPhone 6 and blog from it or my Kindle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango July 9, 2018 / 3:19 pm

      The WordPress app for iOS has been having problems lately. I blog exclusively from my iPhone, but until they fix the app, I’ve been using mostly Safari on my iPhone. Hopefully the next update to the app will fix the issues I’ve been having.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sight11 July 9, 2018 / 5:03 pm

    That’s a good excuse as any to wander into the unknown of What if?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Marilyn Armstrong July 9, 2018 / 7:01 pm

    I used to do a lot of beta testing and getting something you could replicate could be a real bitch. Especially when there were a lot of steps and you weren’t exactly sure what you had to to get to that particular spot. But once replicated, I helped fix a LOT of major issues they didn’t know they had. You would be surprised at how many serious issues are buried under 12 or more steps before they show up.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Cee Neuner July 10, 2018 / 10:18 am

    So sorry you are having trouble with WP. That’s a bummer. Thanks so much for sharing this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. rugby843 July 11, 2018 / 6:57 am

    I have decided upgrades are created by aliens from outer space who are trying to undermine society

    Liked by 2 people

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