I Got Nothing Today


8B4EC126-35DC-447B-B507-4EEF75C8A2C7When I see the WordPress one-word prompt each morning, I think about if I’m going to respond and, if so, how?

Will I write a bit of flash fiction using the word as inspiration? Will the word remind me of something that happened in my life or in the life of someone I know and motivate me to write a post about such an incidence?

Will the word trigger something related to current events, political goings on, or some other timely topic for me to write about?

Today’s one-word prompt is the word “elegance.” It’s a noun used to describe something that is elegant, something tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, or design. Something refined or dignified.

There is nothing about me or anyone I know that can be described as “elegant.” My family, friends, and acquaintances are all firmly ensconced in America’s middle class. My home is not in any way elegant. Nor is my clothing, my car, or my lifestyle.

And today, neither is my imagination, as I haven’t been able to conjure up a fanciful tale built around the word “elegance” to share with my readers.

So I’m sorry to disappoint, but I got nothing. There will be no post from me today in response to the WordPress one-word prompt. Check back with me tomorrow.

#MicroMondays — Immunity

E86CE1F4-00DF-44D2-AB16-31E443C79C16“All stayed well for less than twenty-four hours,” recounted Paul, one of the few survivors. “Then the first symptoms started to appear and people were getting sick. By the end of the second day, half the population had been wiped out and the rest were in bad shape. A handful of us seemed to be immune and we managed to survive.”

Written for today’s #MicroMondays prompt. It is taken from the short story “The Bodyguard,” by Lee Child. The challenge is to write a 54 word story, not including the eight-word prompt. The prompt, “All stayed well for less than twenty-four hours,” must be used verbatim.

Twenty Questions

237AB625-6362-4E3F-85B7-F6FE20E01674Do you want to play a little game and have a little fun? Yes or no?

Well, if you said yes, here are 20 either/or questions for you. Feel free to answer as many as you want or none at all.

For those who want to play along, post your answers and pingback to this post (or leave a comment with a link to your post). Then go read how your fellow bloggers answered.

And feel free, should you choose to do so, to take a few seconds to explain why you chose this or that. You may also choose neither and say what you would choose. For example, maybe in response to “window or aisle?” you might say, “Neither, I prefer middle seats.”

So, have fun…or not.

Window or aisle?
White bread or whole wheat?
Car or pickup?
iPhone or Android?
Foreign or domestic?
Hip hop or pop?
Watch TV or read a book?
Summer or winter?
Daytime or nighttime?
Hot or cold?
New or old?
Fiction or non-fiction?
Poetry or prose?
Democrat or Republican?
Windows or Mac?
Mountains or ocean?
Whole or skimmed?
Coffee or tea?
Football or baseball?
Soda or pop?