Moral Compass

img_0274It’s quite clear to anyone who has one, that our president lacks any sort of moral compass. So do many, if not most, of the Republicans in Congress.

Donald Trump’s true north is whatever benefits him and his family, regardless of who or how mant get hurt along the way. How else can you explain how poor and middle class Americans are being thrown overboard while the rich and large corporations are reaping huge benefits from the corruption that has engulfed the executive and legislative branches of our government?

Ultra rich Republican donors now control the government of the United States. Their almighty dollars that they contribute to conservative causes are transforming this country into an autocratic theocracy.

But what is even more shocking to me are those who claim the loudest that they live their lives by the word of God. Evangelical Christians are people who are committed to the Christian gospel message that Jesus is the the savior of humanity and who promote the “good news” about Jesus.


But these very religious, outwardly pious people who literally consider themselves to be holier than thou, have tossed away their moral compass in favor of political expediency.

They were quick to abandon their morality in order to justify electing a thrice-married, real estate and failed casino mogul who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and who rarely goes to church.

And then they reached an even higher level of hypocrisy with their staunch support and avid defense of the then candidate for Senate, accused child molester Roy Moore.


There is no doubt that the right in America, both political and religious, has abandoned their moral compass. I wonder if they can ever recover it.

Written for today’s one-word prompt, “compass.”

#MicroMondays — Oh The Horror

3C0A0AB0-8A17-4D18-A87B-44E8F38712D6It had been a while since Grant last used his treadmill and he though he was settling to a decent rhythm when he slipped and fell off. Oh the horror!

So this week’s MicroMondays challenge was to write a 30-word post using the words, “settling to a decent rhythm.” An additional requirement this week was to make the 30-word post a horror story.

Yes, you heard right. A 30-word horror story that includes the specified five words from a randomly chosen page of a book. Why 30 words? Well, apparently because the words appear on page 30 of the John le Carré book, Our Kind of Traitor.

As to my response being a horror story, well, from Grant’s perspective, falling off a moving treadmill is a kind of horror story…for him, anyway.

If my post isn’t enough of a horror story for you, well, feel free to stop reading it now.