Time To Move Again

4FB15407-DE65-41DF-A9FB-596914642C70“We don’t take vacations, we relocate,” Dwight quipped. “We’re the quintessential nomadic family, aren’t we, babe?”

“It’s been tough on the kids, though,” said Maggie, “having to leave their friends, change schools, and get settled into new places.”

“Why do you move so often?” Steve asked Dwight. “You’re not in the military, are you?”

“No,” Dwight said. “I’m just seeking fame and fortune. And I’m easily bored,” he chuckled. “To be honest, I’ve found that switching jobs enables me to bump up my salary faster and higher than staying put and relying on puny annual raises.”

“But it is tough on the kids,” Maggie reiterated, “and on me, as well.”

“Look at all the places we’ve been able to visit, though, honey,” Dwight said to his wife.

“That’s what vacations are for,” she answered.

“Vacations?” Dwight said mockingly. “You can’t really get to know a place on a vacation. You can’t immerse yourself, learn what the place and the people are all about during a one week vacation. Am I right, Steve?”

Steve shrugged. “Don’t ask me. Becky and I were both born and raised in this town and we’ve lived in the same house since we got married nearly twenty years ago.”

“How lucky for you and Becky, Steve,” Maggie said. Then looking back at Dwight, she added, “And as soon as we’ve been in a place long enough to even begin to immerse ourselves and for the kids and me to make new friends, you tell us you’ve found a new job in some other city and we have to pick up and relocate yet again.”

“Speaking about that, sweetie, how do you feel about Chicago?” Dwight asked Maggie, who then stood up and ran crying out of the room.”

“Okay, I’m outta here,” Steve said. “Good luck in Chicago, Dwight.”

Written for today’s one word prompt, “relocate.”

FFfAW — Hello Kitty


Rachel implored Doris to take one of the kittens off her hands. Doris had always wanted a kitten, so she said she would. “Just take the cat to the vet for its shots, buy a litter box, some kitty litter, cat food, and a few cat toys,” Rachel explained.

It was love at first sight when Doris picked up one of the precious little kittens. The small kitten she chose was the runt of the litter, which is why Doris, a relatively small girl for age, was drawn to her.

Doris got in the car, put the kitty on her lap, put on her seat belt, and drove home. When she got there, she picked up her new kitten, who she named “Hello,” and ran into the house.

“This is ‘Hello Kitty,’ Mom,” Doris exclaimed. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“You gotta get that thing outta here before your step-father gets home, young lady,” her mother said. “You know he’s allergic to cats.”

“Why did you marry him?” Doris cried. “He’s ruining my life!”

(173 words)

Written for this week’s Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers from Priceless Joy. Image credit: Enisa.

Twittering Tales — The Collection


Every month at this time, Kay carried an armload of books to Donna, who had been housebound since the accident. Donna’s only pleasure in life was reading the books Kay brought her each month, and she was so disappointed when Kay told her that her family would soon be moving away.

(280 characters)

Written for this week’s Twittering Tales prompt from Kat Myrman. Image credit: MorningbirdPhoto at Pixabay.com