The Weak Wing

My fascination with political dramas on TV dates back to “The West Wing,” which aired on NBC from September 1999, to May 2006. Despite political turmoil that swirled around the fictional White House, I could always count on President Bartlett, played by Martin Sheen, to take the principled path. It was inspirational to me.

Sadly, I can no longer watch contemporary political dramas on TV anymore. It’s too depressing. The main characters in shows like “Madam Secretary” and “Designated Survivor,” played by Tea Leoni and Kiefer Sutherland, respectively, portray high powered, principled individuals who are really trying to do good things on behalf of the American people. The protagonists in these two shows are scrupulous, they care more about their constituents than about themselves, and are trying to accomplish positive things.

Conversely, the real-life horror show being played out in the Trump administration is more like “House of Cards” and “Scandal.” And like those shows, the melodrama being played out in and around the White House is populated by unscrupulous, inexperienced, corrupt sycophants whose only objective is to satisfy their own unenlightened self-interests.

When I compare those smart, integrity-filled lead characters on “The West Wing,” “Madam Secretary,” and “Designated Survivor” to the flawed, morally bankrupt, and dangerous miscreants who populate the Trump White House and administration, it hurts my heart.

Old Fuddy Duddy

“Age is just a number,” Clyde said to his wife.

“Technically speaking,” Jenny, responded, “it’s a word.”

“Oh aren’t you the comedian?” Clyde chuckled. “You should take your show on the road.”

“I think I’ll pass on that,” Jenny said. “You may not feel your age, Clyde, or even look your age, but you really might want to start acting your age, don’t you think?”

“Where’s the fun in that? I don’t want to be some cantankerous old fuddy duddy who just sits around all day and grumbles.”

“So you feel the need to go out and sow some wild oats, huh?” Jenny said.

“You bet I do,” Clyde answered. “You’re only as old as you feel and I feel great.”

“Okay then,” Jenny responded. “Go, enjoy, and try not to hurt yourself.”


A few hours later Jenny was visiting Clyde in the emergency room. “It’s broken just below the elbow,” he told Jenny. “The good news is that I won’t need surgery, but my right arm will be in a full arm cast for the next eight or so weeks.”

“How did this happen?” Jenny asked.

“It was going great,” Clyde said. “Everyone was cheering and having a great time. I was rockin’ up a storm and then wham, I got dizzy and collapsed, falling off the stage.”

“Oh Clyde, I’m so sorry, but I did warn you.”

“Yeah, Jenny, I think my kareoke days are behind me.”

Written for today’s one-word prompt, “age.”

SoCS — The Wingman

4F874038-F332-4568-85A6-16D0CDC66F2C“Hey man, you’re supposed to be my wingman.” Craig said to his best friend. “Instead, you’re cramping my style.”

Clearly disappointed by Craig’s assessment, Richard said, “Why would you say that, Craig? You know I wouldn’t deliberately cramp your style.”

“I don’t know, Rich,” Craig said. “Your head isn’t in the game tonight. Your timing is off. You’re flubbing your lines.”

“No worries, Craig,” Richard promised. “I got your back, man.”

Richard headed over to a corner of the tavern and waited for the magic to start. Within a few minutes, he saw Craig start up a conversation with an attractive brunette. Richard waited the designated three minutes and then headed over to where Craig and his new friend were talking.

“Hey Craig,” Richard said, “I thought I recognized you, buddy. Man, how long has it been?”

Craig mocked a surprised look. “Wow! Richard. When did you get back into town?” Craig gave Richard a man-hug. Then he turned to the brunette, who Richard saw was even more stunning up close than she appeared from across the room. “Where are my manners?” Craig asked. “Tammy, let me introduce you to Richard. He and I were best friends in high school.”

Richard reached out to shake hands with Tammy, but she moved in, pressed her body tightly against his and gave him a warm embrace. “Any friend of Craig’s…” she said.

Richard blushed and backed away a little. He knew it was his turn to say something, but he was flustered and couldn’t remember his next line.

“Oh, uh, so yeah,” Richard stammered, “Craig here was the man back in the day. He lettered in all the sports, got into the National Honor Society in his junior year, got elected to president of the student council, and was voted most likely to succeed in our senior class. He was the big man on campus.”

“That is impressive,” Tammy said. “What about you, Richard?” she asked. “What’s your story?”

“Richard hung out with me,” Craig said before Richard could respond. “I let him share my aura, you know. He was like my shadow.”

“I see,” Tammy said to Craig. Turning back to Richard, she asked, “Well, Richard, since it appears that you haven’t been shadowing Craig since high school, what do you do now?”

“Me? I’m a programming team leader over at Excelsior Automation,” Richard answered. “It’s not all that interesting, though, compared with my man Craig. He’s an actor.”

Tammy turned her attention back to Craig. “Have I seen you in anything?” she asked.

“I’ve done some commercial voiceovers and had a couple of small parts in a few indy flicks,” Craig answered. “I’m between gigs at the moment, but my agent is lining up a few things that look promising.”

Tammy looked at Craig, a strikingly handsome, charismatic young man who exuded confidence. Then she looked at Richard, who was pleasant enough looking but clearly uncomfortable.

“So you’re the wingman, right?” she said to Richard, whose face turned a deep red. She grabbed Richard by the arm and said, “Let’s get out of here, Richard. I think your friend Craig is cramping your style.”

Written for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt from Linda G. Hill. The prompt is “cramp.” Image credit: Ian Francis.