Karaoke Night

The obviously drunk guy was standing on the stage at the karaoke bar belting out a very out of key version of The Rolling Stones “Satisfaction.”

“That guy has definitely had too much alcohol,” I said to my buddy, Nick. “He’s totally butchering that song.”

Chances are he couldn’t do much better were he stone-cold sober,” Nick said.

“Hey, that reminds me,” I said. “I oughta get up on stage and do my rendition of Johnny Mathis’ song, ‘Chances Are.’ Whaddya think?”

Nick looked at me, shook his head, and said, “Given how many beers you’ve already downed, I think that would not be such a good idea. We probably should get outta here before you get yourself into more mischief.”

I finished the remainder of my beer, slammed the empty glass mug down on the bar top, and said, “You’re a good friend, Nick. And you’ve got a good name, too.”

Nick got a confused look on his face. “A good name?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Before I do something I regret, you’re getting me out of here in the nick of time. Get it, Nick? You’re my nick of time.”

Nick rolled his eyes, grabbed my arm, and helped me get up and off the bar stool. “Whatever, dude,” he said as he led me out of the establishment.

Written for these daily prompts: The Daily Spur (satisfaction), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (alcohol), Ragtag Daily Prompt (song), Word of the Day Challenge (chances), My Vivid Blog (mischief),

Share Your World — On Her Own

Share Your WorldMelanie is on her own for this week’s edition of Share Your World, as Roger Shipp has apparently donned Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility (or whatever it’s called) and cannot be seen. So let’s get right to it.

Where do you feel most at home? Please be more specific than “at home, doh” please. It could be a room in your home, a person, a location…

I feel most at home at home, duh! Oh wait, Melanie told us not to say that and to be more specific. Okay, I feel most at home at home in my family room with my wife by my side.

Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?     

That depends. If I’m going out to do my weekly grocery shopping and I’ll be lugging five or six full grocery bags home with me, it’s my car. If we’re going to visit our four month old grandchild at my son’s place, which is about 13 miles over hill and dale from where we live, it’s also my car. But if it’s to my local town or to a nearby park, I’d rather take my bike. As to a horse, fuhgeddaboudit.

What song would you sing on “Karoke Night” (if you were forced to do so)?    

Anything by The Beatles or The Eagles.But only if someone is holding a gun to my head.

University or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life? 

A formal education (i.e., university) is supposed to teach you how to think critically. Life experiences teach you what to think. So I think a mix of book smarts and street smarts is necessary to best prepare us for whatever life throws at us.

Get the Hook

DE4F29E6-8D9D-4177-9B14-6703D2520D9AEric got up on the stage, grabbed the mic, and waited for the music to start. Then he began singing his own rendition of The Who’s “Going Mobile.”

It didn’t take long for the karaoke night audience, drunk and rowdy as usual, to start booing Eric’s performance. “You suck, dude, sit the fuck down!” one guy yelled. Another shouted, “Don’t quit your day job, buddy!” A third voice called out, “Get the hook!”

Frustrated, Eric stopped singing, dropped the mic, and made his way back to the table where his twin brother, Ed was sitting and nursing a mojito.

“Can you believe how rude these people are?” Eric said to his brother as he sat down and picked up his half-finished piña colada. “What a bunch of ungrateful boozers.”

“Well, I hate to throw even more shade your way, bro,” Ed said, “but you really did suck.”

Eric looked at his brother, shook his head, and said, “Well, at least I’m not too chicken to even give it a try.” Then Eric stood up, started flapping his arms like a chicken, and called out, “Cluck, cluck, cluck.”

At which point everyone at the karaoke joint also stood up and gave Eric a standing ovation.”

Written for today’s Three Things Challenge from Di at Pensitivity101. The three things are “shade,” “brother,” and “mobile.”

Going Solo

C713F0E8-2FC8-441F-AEC6-7C8AF5916D50I’ll go with you!” Ralph insisted.

“Like hell you will,” Ben said. “This is something I have to do alone, dammit.”

Listen, dude, ” Ralph said, “I’ve always been your wingman. Tonight is not the time to commence a solo act.”

“Tonight’s exactly the right time, my friend,” Ben said. “And there’s no better event to go solo than this one.”

“This is blasphemy, dude,” Ralph said. “We have a chance to capture the spotlight tonight, the two of us together.”

“Ralph, you seem to have this unnatural infatuation with us doing this thing together, but tonight is my chance to shine, my friend,” Ben said. “I understand and I commiserate with you, buddy, I really do. But when I step up on that stage for tonight’s karaoke contest finale, I’m going it alone.”

Written for Rachel Poli’s Time To Write Sentence Starter prompt, where the sentence is “I’ll go with you.” Also for these daily prompts: Daily Addictions (listen), Ragtag Daily Prompt commence), The Daily Spur (event), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (blasphemy), Your Daily Word Prompt (capture), Word of the Day Challenge (infatuation), and Nova’s Daily Random Word (commiserate).Tygpress not authorized

Day 17 — Karaoke Duet

Hmm. So for today’s 30-Day Song Challenge we are asked to select a song that we’d want to sing a duet with someone on karaoke. Okay. There’s only one song that comes to mind for me and that’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John with Kiki Dee.

Here’s a version with the words on the screen, almost like on a karaoke screen. So go grab your significant other and have at it.