Failing the Gullibility Test

8E05D635-9BB2-487D-9214-0B49C40DD338“What a relief,” Malcolm said. “This whole coronavirus thing is finally behind us.”

“Where did you hear that?” Aaron asked.

“I just heard the president say it in his own voice at his daily coronavirus press briefing,” Malcolm said.

“Is that a fact?” Aaron asked sarcastically. “Behold the almighty King Trump, the stable genius who knows more about everything than the scientist, the doctors, and the generals. And you believe whatever bullshit comes out of his mouth, huh?”

“He’s the president, he should know, right?”

“Malcolm, my dumbass friend,” Aaron said, “it’s because of gullible imbeciles like you that our country is in the sad state it’s in.”

Written for these daily prompts: Ragtag Daily Prompt (relief), The Daily Spur (voice), Fandango’s One-World Challenge (fact), Your Daily World Prompt (behold), and Word of the Day Challenge (king).

Stand Up and Be Counted

095367B1-7B2B-48F9-A71A-CC25BB07E032“It doesn’t take having a college education to see the danger that this brood of naive and gullible Trump supporters is having on our society,” Edward lamented.

“You’re a highly educated, sapient man,” Carla said. “There must be a way to get them to see what a con man Trump is.”

“You know,” Edward said, “I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell of getting his rabid fans to change their almost fanatical support for him. They think he’s the second coming of Jesus, for crissake.”

“But don’t you feel,” Carla said, “that the racist things he’s been saying over the past month are starting to snip away some of his support?”

“Well,” Edward said, “we are seeing a few random Republican Congresspersons making a tentative transition away from blind, unequivocal support for him. But we’re going to need more than a handful of Republicans to be willing to stand up and be counted.”

“And were going to need the Democrats to start a formal impeachment inquiry,” Carla added.

Written for these daily prompts: The Daily Spur (education), Word of the Day Challenge (brood), Nova’s Daily Random Word (sapient), Daily Addictions (chance), Your Daily Word Prompt (snip), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (random), and Ragtag Daily Prompt (transition).

Heartless and Gullible and ….

Crossing sign - Illegal migrants“This is a total violation of my civil rights as an American citizen,” Thomas whined in a reaction to what he just saw on Fox News.

“What do you mean, honey?” his wife asked him.

“These damn illegal immigrants,” Thomas said. “They are diminishing the glory of our country. They just walk across our southern border and demand asylum and those goddam progressives in Washington are playing right into it. It’s the quintessential political ploy of trying to concentrate a bunch of foreign people — criminals, rapists, and gang members — in red-blooded, American states like Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona so they can stack the deck against the Republicans. You know all those damn criminal aliens will vote for those goddam Democratic candidates. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, Sally.”

“But, honey, you’re a first generation American,” Sally pointed out. “If it weren’t for the legal migration of those seeking asylum from oppression in Europe, your parents wouldn’t have been able to come to the United States.”

“But my parents didn’t come here from some shithole country,” Thomas said.

“You sound like you’re reciting the rubric of the Republican talking points book on immigration,” Sally said. “When did you become so heartless, so gullible…and so stupid?”

Written for these one-word prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (violation), Scotts Daily Prompt (walk), Your Daily Word Prompt (quintessential), Daily Addictions (concentrate), Ragtag Daily Prompt (migration), and Word of the Day (rubric).

Deep Doo Doo

“Oh my God,” Jeff exclaimed. “Are you really that gullible?”

“What are you talking about?” Josh asked. I’m not at all gullible.”

“The man is spewing out a monsoon of lies, for crissake,” Jeff said. “He’s told more lies than any president in the history of the United States and you’re buying it all hook, line, and sinker.”

“Look at the facts, dude,” Josh countered. “Since his election our country is going through a renewal. The economy is booming, North Korea is disarming, we’re normalizing relations with Russia, jobs are coming back to America, our borders are being protected, our taxes have gone down. He truly is making America great again.”

“Facts?” Jeff said. “He’s made more than four thousand false or misleading statements since he became president. That’s an average of eight lies a day, Josh.”

Josh shook his head. “You’re being duped by the fake news, dude,” he said. “Don’t you know by now that the reporters for the mainstream media are the enemy of the American people?”

Now it was time for Jeff to shake his head. “We are in deep doo doo.”

Written for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (gullible), the Ragtag Daily Prompt (Monsoon), and Your Daily Word Prompt (renewal).

FOWC with Fandango — Gullible

FOWCIs it really August already? Yes it is, so welcome to August 1, 2018 and to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed to fill the void after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt.

I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (US).

Today’s word was recommended by one of my fellow bloggers. The word is “gullible.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will marvel at their creativity.