Weekend Writing Prompt — Totally Exonerated

BA715E3A-8972-4FB5-A0C0-F58E7EEE02E1“What is all this hoopla over the Mueller Report?” Albert asked. “The Attorney General totally exonerated Trump. No collusion, no obstruction.”

“You are such an idiot,” I said. “It’s a good thing we’re not at my place or I’d take an egg and smash it on your head.”

“You’re just longing to see Trump taken down,” Albert said.

“You’re right,” I admitted. “He’s trying to turn our democracy into an autocracy. He’s destroying the environment, and he thinks he’s above the law. Doesn’t any of that annoy you?”

“Actually I’m impressed by him.”

“With lemmings like you, Albert, there’s little hope left for America.”

(Exactly 104 words)

BC351F84-3CA0-4190-9837-6D98485D538AWritten for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where we are challenged to write a poem or piece of prose using the word “impress” in exactly 104 words.

Also for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (hoopla), Ragtag Daily Prompt (egg), and Word of the Day Challenge (longing). Political cartoon: ©Rick McKee at the Augusta Chronicle.

It’s Mueller Time

E613AB6F-E8DE-4F3C-97AB-F2FECCD3B177I am tired of hearing Trump, all of the Fox News sycophants, and Trump’s Republican lapdogs pontificate about how the Mueller Report “fully and totally exonerated” him. They’re making that claim without having read the actual report. They are basing their braying and crowing exclusively on a brief, four page summary prepared by Trump’s cherrypicked Attorney General, William Barr.

And Barr is doing exactly what Trump hired him to do: spew his politically-motivated, whitewashed pablum designed solely to insulate and protect Trump.

Okay, I admit it. I hate Donald Trump. I’ll even go so far as to say I hate him with a vengeance that I’ve never felt before towards anyone. When I see that man perform on TV to the cheers of his ignorant groupies, it literally turns my stomach.

So it’s Mueller time. It’s time for Robert Mueller — the Special Counsel who just completed a two year investigation into the Trump campaign’s potential cooperation and coordination with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election, and to then obstruct the investigation into that coordination — to step up and to end his silence. It’s time for Mueller to offer his perspicacious insights, unfiltered by Trump lackeys, into what his investigations actually uncovered.

It’s time for Robert Mueller to let the sunshine in, to let the truth grow and flower. I need to hear Robert Mueller, himself, say that he found no evidence that Donald Trump in any way colluded with Russians, that Donald Trump did not obstruct justice in any way, and that Donald Trump did nothing criminal. Only then I will accept Mueller’s conclusions.

But no matter what Mueller says, I will still hate Donald Trump with an unbridled passion.

Written for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (pontificate), Word of the Day Challenge (vengeance), Ragtag Daily Prompt (perspicacious), and Your Daily Word Prompt (flower).

2019 is 1984

3864C99C-26BB-4EC5-A9D0-2EEF7B540A9AThe assemblage of Trump lemmings down in Mar-a-Lago are fist-bumping and high-fiving this weekend. The talking heads at Fox News are delirious in their joy today. That’s because the long-awaited and much-anticipated Mueller Report has been delivered, and even though few people know what’s actually in it, the Trump faithful are pounding their chests and claiming vindication. “No collusion, no obstruction,” they are gleefully yelling.

Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner have all escaped indictments (so far). As has Donald Trump himself. The Mueller probe is over, and from all outward appearances, it looks like Donald Trump and his kin will get off scot-free.

I don’t know what’s in the Mueller report, but it’s hard for me to imagine, given what we have all seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, that there is no hard evidence of collusion and obstruction on the part of Donald Trump. But then again, Trump did tell his supporters, “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening. Just stick with us, don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news.”

I wonder if all of America, including Robert Mueller, has been somehow brainwashed to the point of denying what we all know to be true. Donald Trump and his see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil Republican sycophants in Congress have redefined the American identity, and it’s not for the better.

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, lies are truth, and 2019 is 1984.

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (assemblage), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (delirious), and Word of the Day Challenge (identity).

Sunday Photo Fiction — Enjoy the View

a5f62dd9-e447-4649-9816-1fb0665af5d6“It’s exquisite, isn’t it?” Anna said.

Hearing no response from her boyfriend, she repeated her question. “The view of the city from here, it’s stunning, don’t you think?”

Still no response. “Earth to Michael,” she said. “Come in, come in.”

Michael turned to Anna. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I was lost in thought.”

“Let me guess,” Anna said. “It’s a beautiful day and you can’t stop obsessing about that moron who believes he’s a legend in his own mind.”

“I just can’t get over the inane things that he says and tweets,” Michael said. “He’s crazy. Shutting down the government over his stupid border wall. His constant lies, his detrimental actions. I can’t inderstand why Mueller hasn’t been able to wrap up his investigation in a more timely manner. It’s clear to anyone with half a brain and who isn’t living in a cave that Trump is guilty as shit of colluding with the Russians, of obstruction justice, and of being a total charlatan.”

“It’s Sunday, Michael,” Anna said. “You have to give it a rest before you make yourself sick. Let’s go get some mussels and wash them down with a pitcher of beer.”

“You’re right. Let’s enjoy the food and the view.”

(198 words)

Written for Susan Spaulding’s Sunday Photo Fiction prompt. Also written for these one-word prompts: Word of the Day Challenge (exquisite), Your Daily Word Prompt (lost), Nova’s Daily Random Word (legend), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (inane), Daily Addictions (border), Ragtag Daily Prompt (timely), and Michael’s Writing Prompts (cave).

News Flash: Nothing Is a Crime

9D593DB0-A588-4EA0-B591-ABC3E7932D1ADonald Trump’s TV lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, dismissed the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia by saying that collusion is “not a crime.”

So, colluding with a foreign adversary in order to influence the outcome of a presidential election is not a criminal act? I suppose that obstructing the investigation to see if collusion occurred in violation of federal election laws, is also not a crime.

But if colluding with Russians to influence an election is not a crime, why does Donald Trump keep saying and tweeting “NO COLLUSION”? Why deny collusion if collusion is not a crime?

I guess a presidential candidate paying hush money right before an election to keep a porn star and Playboy bunny quiet about having had extramarital relations with him is not a crime.

Richard Nixon said to David Frost in an interview, “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”

So does that mean that nothing Trump does is a crime? Perhaps he was right when he said during his campaign that he could  “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose a single vote,” would not be a crime now that he’s president.

He sure is making America great again. For him, anyway.