Truthful Tuesday — This or That

Frank, aka PCGuy, has published another one of his Truthful Tuesday posts. This week Frank wants us to choose between two options. He wants to know what we would choose between…

1. Coffee or Hot Tea?

Coffee for sure. I’m not a fan of hot tea.

2. Soda or Iced Tea?

Caffeine-free Diet Coke.

3. House or Condo?

Definitely a single-family home.

4. Pie or Cobbler?

I’m good with either or both, especially when it’s served a la mode.

5. Cornbread or Biscuits (the US kind)?

Biscuits. Cornbread is meh.

6. Computer or Smart Phone?

90% of the time, smartphone. There are some tasks that are best done on a laptop, though.

7. Hotel or Camping?

Back in the day I would have said camping, but now that I’m a senior citizen, I’m going to say hotel. That said, in these days of COVID-19, I’m not sure when I’ll next be staying at a hotel. If ever again.

8. Swimming Pool or Ocean?

Ocean. Swimming pools are boring.

9. TV Shows or Movies?

I like both, but I’ve found that I enjoy binge-watching multi-episode TV shows a lot since the pandemic started.

10. iOS (iPhone/iPad) or Android (Samsung, LG, et. al.)

I have an iPhone, so of course my answer is going to be iOS.

7 thoughts on “Truthful Tuesday — This or That

  1. Don't Forget the Half January 12, 2021 / 10:38 am

    I’m guessing you’ve never had a deliciously made piece of cornbread with a cup of hot tea lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Astrid January 12, 2021 / 12:08 pm

    Oh, another iOS person in the crowd, cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango January 12, 2021 / 11:02 pm

      Everyone else in my family is Android, but I’m iOS all the way.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Carol anne January 12, 2021 / 1:21 pm

    Great answers Fandango! A lot of yours are similar to mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango January 12, 2021 / 11:03 pm

      Great minds think alike! 😉


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