Share Your World — What’s In a Name?

Share Your WorldIt’s another Monday and that means it’s time for Melanie’s weekly Share Your World questions. So let’s give it a go.

Pancakes, waffles or French toast as your breakfast favorite?

Actually, none of those three options is my “favorite” breakfast, but if I had to choose one of the three, it would be pancakes.

Do you think a person’s name influences the person they become?

There have been a number of studies about the influence of a person’s name on who they become, but I think it’s all a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. You are who you are, regardless of what your name is. And with a name like Fandango, I should know!

Would things get better or worse if humans focused on what was going well rather than what’s going wrong?

Probably better, but then what would we have to complain about on Twitter?

Is math something that humans created or something we discovered? Is looking at reality mathematically an accurate representation of how things work?

I think math was created to intimidate students and to make them feel stupid. At least that’s my personal experience.

Blogging Insights — Self Doubt

Blogging insightsFor her latest Blogging Insights prompt, Dr. Tanya asks us only one question. She wants to know about self doubt, an affliction, she says, that affects writers nearly as often as writer’s bock. It’s a fear, doubt, and/or lack of confidence that attacks writers from time to time. The doctor wants to know:

How often are you afflicted by self doubt and what do you do about it?

There have been many aspects of my life when I’ve been filled with and almost paralyzed by self doubt. But when it comes to my blog, I can honestly say that I’ve never been afflicted by self doubt. That may come across as if I’m full of myself, but that’s not the case. I just love to write blog posts. What’s not to love?

I love expressing my opinions and perspectives. I love writing flash fiction pieces. I enjoy the creative challenges. It’s not something I fear and I don’t lack confidence. And I rarely run out of things to write.

I’m not saying that I’m a blogger extraordinaire or that my posts are any better than those of other bloggers. I’m just saying that when I compose a post, I don’t doubt my ability to write something that I’m proud of and that I hope others will enjoy reading.

That said, I do doubt myself when it comes to my proofreading skills, as I’m sure way too many typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors have found their way into my published posts than I would like.

Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #59

FFFCWelcome to “Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge.” Each week I will be posting a photo I grab off the internet and challenge bloggers to write a flash fiction piece or poem inspired by the photo. There are no style or word limits.

The image below is from JessicaGale at the visually challenged writer, the photo shows an empty roll of toilet paper with the words “Plan B?” hand printed on it in black ink.

If this week’s image inspires you and you wish to participate, please write your post, use the tag #FFFC, and link back to this post. I hope it will generate some great posts.

Thanks to all of you who have participated in these challenges. Your posts have been very creative. Please take a few minutes to read the other responses to this photo challenge.

Please create a pingback to this post or manually add your link in the comments.

FOWC with Fandango — Tickle

FOWCWelcome to March 30, 2020 and to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed to fill the void after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt.

I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (US).

Today’s word is “tickle.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments.

The issue with pingbacks not showing up seems to have been resolved, but you might check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

  1. And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will marvel at their creativity.