Dust and Drug Money

B2184EEF-35D0-4C6B-BB46-3175450612C5Dave managed to find a taxi to jump into, almost as much to escape the dust storm that suddenly enveloped the city of Amarillo, as to hide from the gang members who were after him.

“Where to, buddy?” the cab driver asked.

Dave noticed some movement from the corner of his eye and, turning his head, he saw three men emerging from the swirling dust and running toward the car. “Just step on it,” Dave commanded.

The taxi driver put the pedal to the metal and the car’s rear tires, spinning madly on the dusty surface of the street, finally gripped the road just in time to avoid the grabbing arms of the three pursuers.

After about a mile, Dave told the taxi driver to pull to the side of the road. “Listen, I gotta get outta town fast,” he said. “Take me to the Marriott and wait there for me. “I’m gonna pack my bag, grab my passport, and then you can drive me to the airport in Lubbock, where I’ll get a flight to El Paso and cross the border into Mexico there.”

“How do you propose to pay for all this, pal?” the taxi driver asked.

Dave pulled a thousand dollars from his wallet and handed it it to the driver. “This should cover it. Now get a move on.”

Once they got to the hotel, Dave jumped out of the cab and told the driver to wait for him. “How long do you want me to wait for you?” the driver asked.

“If I’m not back here in fifteen minutes,” Dave said, “assume that I’m dead.”

Twenty minutes later, the taxi driver was thinking to himself that this was the easiest thousand bucks he’d ever made. But as he started to pull away from the Marriott, three gang members approached the taxi and one shot the driver in the head.

Written for these daily prompts: Ragtag Daily Prompt (taxi), The Daily Spur (dust), Your Daily Word Prompt (hide), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (movement), and Word of the Day Challenge (propose).

Weekly Prompts Photo Challenge

Let’s get one thing straight. I am not a photographer. The only camera I own is the one on my iPhone, which is what I use to take pictures. All things considered, the pictures are not bad. But I hesitate to call them “photographs,” because those are things that photographers — both professional and amateur — would take. Mine are merely snapshots.

That said, I do have an app on my iPhone called Prisma. Prisma is a “photo editor that creates amazing photo effects transforming your photos into works of art.” Just for grins, I will occasionally take my snapshots and apply some of the Prisma filters to edit the pictures and to apply special effects.

Here’s a picture I took of our dog. 63EDD786-09F6-4689-A0F8-10FF2E60374EAnd below are a handful of that same picture where I applied some of the Prisma filters.BFB4353E-D083-44A8-9E9A-79562AA4FF0DD127A0FC-3CCC-4680-A763-2C658A23FFF7A7D9AE28-78E6-4190-944A-F9F5D4E314601398623D-62D2-4E94-B4DE-64F0C7C6E2FDSo, what do you think?

Written for this week’s Photo Challenge from Weekly Prompts with the word “edit.”

Weekly Writing Prompt — Of Clocks and Life

B20C3889-311F-4628-A940-C7688150CDCDStopped clocks are right twice a day.

Life is carefree at birth and death.

(14 words)

6924D80B-1756-4817-9AEC-48D931B1D367Written for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where we are challenged us to write a post using the word “carefree” in exactly 14 words. Photo credit: ApplePo3 at DeviantArt.com.

SoCS — Homophonia

For today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, Linda G. Hill has given us an exercise in homophonia. No, that’s not a typo. She didn’t ask us to write a stream of consciousness post about homophobia. She asked us to write a post using “for,” “fore,” and/or “four.” She said we could use one of them, all of them, or any of them. So I guess I’m done since I just used all three of them.

Just kidding!

“For,” “fore,” and “four” are homophones. That is, they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings, and have different spellings.

“For” is the 12th most commonly used word in the English language. It’s everywhere and has multiple uses. According to Dictionary.com, “for” has 32 different ways it can be used as a preposition and two additional ways it can be used as a conjunction. “For” is quite a handy dandy little word.

At the opposite end of word variations is “four,” which is simply and pretty much only used as a number, as in one, two, three, four.

And somewhere in between, in terms of meanings, is “fore.” It can mean the front of a boat, as in “fore and aft.” Or it can mean in, toward, or near the front. Or it can be what someone shouts right before you get knocked unconscious by getting hit in the head by a golf ball.3CFE79EF-E66C-4913-B56D-75BE6DA7C683A few other common examples of homophones are:

  • to/too/two
  • there/their/they’re
  • by/buy/bye
  • know/no
  • here/hear
  • ate/eight

Well, Okay, you get the idea.

Now I’m done.

FOWC with Fandango — Movement

FOWCWelcome to June 29, 2019 and to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed to fill the void after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt.

I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (US).

Today’s word is “movement.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments.

The issue with pingbacks not showing up seems to have been resolved, but you might check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will marvel at their creativity.