Friday Fictioneers — By Land or By Sea

737F6A92-D362-43E6-9F16-018AC121A80E“So do you want to drive or take the ferry?” Jack asked his wife. “I think it will be quicker to drive,” he added.

“Oh, let’s take the ferry,” Susan said. “There’s no rush, you know. And it’s such a delightful night. The moon is full, the water in the bay is calm, and the evening temperature is perfect.”

“I don’t know,” Jack said. “Besides, you know I can get seasick at times.”

“Come on, Jack. It will be very romantic to take the ferry across,” she said, winking at her husband.

“That’s it. We’re driving,” Jack said firmly.

(99 words)

Written for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt from Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Photo by Ted Strutz.

100WW — The Platform

As hard as he tried, Bill couldn’t deny that the situation he found himself in was his fault. How had his life gone so wrong? How had he hurt so many of those he loved? His wife. His children.

The electronic sign on the platform showed that the next train would be arriving in two minutes. Two minutes and then it would all be over. The world would be better off without him. Of that he was certain.

Bill stepped closer to the edge of the platform as the train approached the station. Could he do it? Could he jump?

(100 words)

This is a twofer. Written for today’s one-word prompt, “deny,” and for Bikurgurl’s 100 Word Wednesday prompt based upon the photo above.

One-Liner Wednesday — Death and Horror

E82A676F-9B92-43AB-BED4-476CB6478312Before I present my one-liner for today, let me first confess that it’s actually a two-liner. Sorry for bending the rules a bit.

Let me also say that I’m quoting Eliot Spitzer, the disgraced former Attorney General and former governor of New York. Sorry about that, too.

Anyway, here’s what Spitzer said:

Yes, people pull the trigger, but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror.

So why am I quoting Spitzer? Because I think what he expressed is a rational response to the NRA’s refrain that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”

The only way to reduce the incidence of more death and horror from mass shootings like the one on Sunday night in Las Vegas is, as Spitzer said, to pass common sense gun control laws.

If a disgraced politician like Eliot Spitzer can see that, why can’t the Republicans in Congress, whose refrain is always “now is not the time” to talk about gun control. But delaying such a discussion means more death and horror.

Yet for Republican legislators, it seems that never is the only good time to talk about gun control.

Written for the One-Liner Wednesday prompt from Linda G. Hill.