Song Lyric Sunday — Self Love

1603A238-3CB6-4CAC-9BEC-098722CDD03CThis week’s Song Lyric Sunday prompt from Helen Vahdati is “self love.”

“Self love” is an interesting theme in that it can be taken a few different ways. One way is the emotional context expressed by the old adage that “you need to love yourself first before you can truly love others.” It’s like something a psychologist might tell you: “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.”

Another way of looking at self love is the physical way of loving one’s self (i.e., masturbation). That, of course, is what came to mind for me.

When I thought about a song that incorporates the physical interpretation of self love, the one that came to mind almost immediately was Jackson Browne’s “Rosie.”

It’s a song about a singer in a band who sees a female fan — probably more a groupie than a fan, actually — and is attracted to her. But it’s the band’s drummer who ends up leaving with her at the end of the show. And that’s when the singer decides to take matters into his own hands, so to speak.

Here are the lyrics:

She was standing at the load-in
When the trucks rolled up
She was sniffin’ all around
Like a half-grown female pup
She wasn’t hard to talk to
Looked like she had nowhere to go
So I gave her a pass
So she could get in and see the show
Well, I sat her down right next to me
And I got her a beer
While I mixed that sound on the stage
So the band could hear
The more I watched her watch them play
The less I thought of to say
And when they walked off stage
You know, the drummer swept that girl away
But Rosie, you’re all right
(You wear my ring)
When you hold me tight
(Rosie, that’s my thing)
When you turn out the light
(I got to hand it to me)
Looks like it’s me and you again tonight, Rosie
Well I guess I might have known from the start
She’d come for a star
Well I told my imagination not to run too far
Of all the times that I’ve been burned
By now you think I’d’ve learned
That it’s who you look like,
Not who you are
(You all keep that in mind)
Rosie, you’re all right
(You wear my ring)
When you hold me tight
(Rosie, that’s my thing)
When you turn out the light
(I got to hand it to me)
It looks like it’s me and you again tonight, Rosie
It looks like it’s me and you again tonight,
It looks like it’s me and you again tonight, Rosie
Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie

And here is the video:

Summer in the City

AE41FE2D-85FA-4CBF-A3F5-C9AB92E21A1DHenry stepped out of his air conditioned apartment and onto the sidewalk. His glasses immediately fogged over. He couldn’t believe how incredibly hot and muggy it already was this early in the morning.

The forecast called for the temperature to approach 100 by mid-afternoon, with close to 100% humidity. The early morning air was so thick and heavy that it felt as if you could cut it with a knife.

As he started his eight block walk from his apartment to his office, Henry’s head filled with the old Lovin’ Spoonful’s song, “Summer in the City.”

Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn’t it a pity
Doesn’t seem to be a shadow in the city
All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head

The Nation’s Capital, this almost unbearably hot and humid city, this incredibly beautiful and culturally rich city, is the seat of power in the most powerful country on the planet. This is where it happens and, as a registered lobbyist, Henry knows that this is the only place he could possibly be.

Yet it isn’t the beauty of the city that keeps him here. And it certainly isn’t the weather. This is the city where the movers and shakers are. And Henry believed, as surely as he believed that the sun would rise in the east and set in the west each day, that he was the best of them.

He hadn’t been elected to any office, and he doesn’t have any constituents back home to serve. They are the hoi polloi and he wants nothing to do with them.

He doesn’t have to please liberals, conservatives, moderates, or extremists. Henry’s one and only constituent is his employer, a major player in the military-industrial complex. That’s the only master he has to please.

Henry doles out the big bucks to those who play the game by his rules. He can go to any member of Congress and buy support on critical legislation that benefits his employer.

All he has to do is show them the money, promise, for example, to get a major project to the congressperson’s district, one that would employ thousands and would generate much needed tax revenues. All the congressperson has to do is to agree to vote a certain way.

Conversely, he can guarantee that a congressperson’s district will be shut out of any such projects if he or she votes a different way.

He can funnel millions of dollars toward candidates’ campaigns for reelection if they support him, or make sure those funds go to their opponents if they don’t.

Henry is a man with more influence on the direction the country is moving than most of those who were elected by the suckers back home. Partisan politics has paralyzed the federal government and the only “votes” that really matter are those that can be deposited into offshore banks and into anonymous, untraceable accounts, the “votes” with dollar signs on them. Big dollar signs.

As Henry arrived at his office, he thought about this beautiful city in which he lived and worked. And he thought about how hot and humid it was. And he felt that the back of his neck was, as the song said, “dirty and gritty.”

But deep down inside, Henry knows that it’s actually the entire city that is dirty and gritty. He knows that it’s actually his own heart and soul that are dirty and gritty.

Isn’t it a pity?


D17F8EA2-3E74-4521-B0DE-B975836A6F9ARepublicans in Congress have lost their minds.

In a bill that would be popular only among hardcore right-wingers and, of course, the NRA, Republicans in the House of Representatives could pass legislation as early as this week that would roll back decades-old restrictions on gun silencers, opening up the market for a device that critics say would make it difficult in a mass shooting to detect where gunfire is coming from.

Republicans say the provision, euphemistically called the Hearing Protection Act, doesn’t really silence the sound of gunfire. It only diminishes it enough, supporters say, to shield hunters and recreational shooters from hearing damage.

One Republican congressman explained, “It isn’t a silencer because it still makes sound, but what it does is cuts the percentage of the noise down to make shooting sports a little nicer for people’s hearing.”

So do ear plugs.

Written for today’s one-word prompt, “popular.”