Fandango’s Flashback Friday — July 30th

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember? Each Friday I will publish a post I wrote on this exact date in a previous year.

How about you? Why don’t you reach back into your own archives and highlight a post that you wrote on this very date in a previous year? You can repost your Friday Flashback post on your blog and pingback to this post. Or you can just write a comment below with a link to the post you selected.

If you’ve been blogging for less than a year, go ahead and choose a post that you previously published on this day (the 30th) of any month within the past year and link to that post in a comment.

This was originally posted on July 30, 2017.

Blog Snobbery


Sandi over at Flip Flops Every Day wrote a post yesterday called Snobs in which she discussed, among other things, blog snobbery. I had not really given the notion of blog snobbery much thought until I read her post. Now I’m haunted by it. Thanks a bunch, Sandi.

“My name is Fandango and I’m a blog snob,” is what I imagine I would say when asked to introduce myself at my first meeting of Blog Snobs Anonymous (BSA). By the way, Blog Snobs Anonymous should not be confused with the other BSA (Boy Scouts of America). The BSA I’m talking about would never invite Donald Trump to address our group.

But I digress. I am a blog snob because there are certain types of blogs that I choose to not read. That’s not to say that such blogs are not perfectly fine blogs and that the bloggers whose posts are found on those blogs are not excellent bloggers. I choose not to read them simply because they’re not to my taste.

For me — and probably for most of you who are reading this post — blogging is not a full-time activity. In fact, there are relatively few hours each day that I can devote to blogging. Therefore, I have to diligently manage my limited “blog-time.”

Because time is finite, there simply isn’t enough of it to compose one or more posts a day, to read and respond to comments, and to read and comment on a bunch of other bloggers’ posts.

Hence, I must be a discriminating blogger. I have no choice but to pick and choose which posts to read and which bloggers to follow.

I know what I like and I know what I don’t like. I choose to spend my finite blog-time on what I like over what I don’t.

So yes, I am a blog snob, born more from necessity than from desire. And I bet most of you, if you think about it, are also blog snobs.

Let me know if you want details about the next meeting of Blog Snobs Anonymous.

MLMM First Line Friday — The Effete Snob

“Leave me alone,” she snapped, juking around him on the sidewalk and hurrying away with a quick clack of heels.

This used to be such a jolly place, she thought as she picked up her pace heading toward her car. Now I’m being accosted by these self-righteous people who try to tell me that I need to find Jesus or be prepared to spend eternity in hell. Who the hell do they think they are? Just look at what has become of our beautiful city. It’s swarming with filth and populated by ugly, smelly, low-life, homeless people who mooch off of society. They shuck and jive their way through life with no accountability whatsoever for their actions.

She picked up her pace and reached her Porsche, got in, and started the powerful engine. That does it, she thought. I’m going to leave the city, drive home, take off my heels, change into my bikini, and walk to my private beach where I don’t have to deal with the riff-raff, the dregs of society, or the hoi-polloi for one-minute more.

Written for today’s First Line Friday prompt from Mindlovemisery Menagerie. The first line is: “Leave me alone,” she snapped, juking around him on the sidewalk and hurrying away with a quick clack of heels. Also written for these Daily Prompts: The Daily Spur (jolly), MMA Storytime (righteous), Word of the Day Challenge (mooch), Your Daily Word Prompt (jive), Ragtag Daily Prompt (accountability), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (drive), and Just Jot it January (beach).

Note from Fandango: I have neither sympathy nor empathy for the protagonist in this post. Her thoughts, words, and actions in no way reflect my personal perspectives. But as I looked at the prompt words and the opening line presented today, this is what came to mind.

Blog Snobbery


Sandi over at Flip Flops Every Day wrote a post yesterday called Snobs in which she discussed, among other things, blog snobbery. I had not really given the notion of blog snobbery much thought until I read her post. Now I’m haunted by it. Thanks a bunch, Sandi.

“My name is Fandango and I’m a blog snob,” is what I imagine I would say when asked to introduce myself at my first meeting of Blog Snobs Anonymous (BSA). By the way, Blog Snobs Anonymous should not be confused with the other BSA (Boy Scouts of America). The BSA I’m talking about would never invite Donald Trump to address our group.

But I digress. I am a blog snob because there are certain types of blogs that I choose to not read. That’s not to say that such blogs are not perfectly fine blogs and that the bloggers whose posts are found on those blogs are not excellent bloggers. I choose not to read them simply because they’re not to my taste.

For me — and probably for most of you who are reading this post — blogging is not a full-time activity. In fact, there are relatively few hours each day that I can devote to blogging. Therefore, I have to diligently manage my limited “blog-time.”

Because time is finite, there simply isn’t enough of it to compose one or more posts a day, to read and respond to comments, and to read and comment on a bunch of other bloggers’ posts.

Hence, I must be a discriminating blogger. I have no choice but to pick and choose which posts to read and which bloggers to follow.

I know what I like and I know what I don’t like. I choose to spend my finite blog-time on what I like over what I don’t.

So yes, I am a blog snob, born more from necessity than from desire. And I bet most of you, if you think about it, are also blog snobs.

Let me know if you want details about the next meeting of Blog Snobs Anonymous.