Suspenders and Face Masks

454CB634-725B-4CC7-9F88-A2E159DF09BAI have have some positive news to share about the coronavirus pandemic. I’ve lost about ten pounds since this whole shelter-in-place order has been in effect. I don’t know why that is, because, other than when I go out and walk my dog, I spend the rest of my time sitting on my ass inside my house. And yet, I’m shedding pounds, something that make my wife very annoyed, since she’s not.

As a result of this weight loss, my pants don’t fit me anymore. Unfortunately, I have no hips to speak of and I have a flat butt. Hence, my old jeans, which are now too big around the waist, keep falling down, even with my belt on. To address this dilemma, I ordered a pair of clip on suspenders from Amazon, and they were delivered last week. I also ordered some new jeans with a smaller waist size.

So now, when I wear my older jeans, I use suspenders to hold them up, despite the fact that my wife says it makes me look like an old-timey farmer. And when I wear my new, smaller-waisted jeans, using my belt to keep them up works fine.

God doesn’t wear a face mask

In the weirdness file, an Ohio lawmaker is objecting to the wearing of face masks on the grounds that God doesn’t wear one. Wearing a face mask, Republican state representative Nino Vitale argues, dishonors God.276BCABA-62D1-423C-B20C-938456DDCC29“This is the greatest nation on earth founded on Judeo-Christian Principles. One of those principles is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask,” Vitale wrote on Facebook. “That’s the image of God right there, and I want to see it in my brothers and sisters.”

Seriously folks, you can’t make this shit up.

Hello Handsome

Sashay. That’s the word that came to mind when I saw her walking down the wide staircase that led into the large lobby of the hotel. I was struck by her incredible figure, which had a Barbie doll-like quality to it — full busted, an almost unimaginably small waist, and hips that seemed to have a mind of their own.

As she descended down the staircase, our eyes met for an instant. Maybe it was my imagination or just a case of wishful thinking, but I thought I saw her nod at me. I felt an immediate spark, a connection.

When she reached the lobby floor, she walked directly over to me, put out her hand for me to kiss, and said, “Hello handsome.”

I bent slightly and kissed her outstretched hand. I stood as tall and as straight as I could and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss West.”Mae West

Written for Di’s Three Things Challenge, where the words are “figure,” “nod,” and “handsome.”