Simply 6 Minutes — Whatever It Takes

I was pissed. I’m an aspiring actor and my agent, Goldie McFintail, hadn’t gotten me into an audition since late last year. I was getting desperate. I picked up my phone and called her up. When she answered I yelled, “What the hell, Goldie, did my number fall out of your Rolodex? Why haven’t I heard from you in six whole months?”

“Who is this?” Goldie asked.

“Oh come on, Goldie, this is Barry Scales,” I answered. “Maybe if you’d pick up the phone and call me every once in a while, you’d recognize my voice.”

“Oh yes. Barry. Of course,” Goldie said. “The truth is, Barry, there aren’t a lot of parts these days that would fit you. And, as the saying goes, there are lots of fish in the sea. The competition for meaty roles is fierce and there are a lot of sharks ready to mercilessly gobble up those roles.”

“Goldie, please,” I begged. “There must be something I can at least audition for.”

“Well, a famous director is casting a new movie and maybe I can call in a favor,” Goldie said. “But it’s a stretch and the odds of you getting a role are about like those of salmon swimming upstream through bear territory. And you might have to put on a, well, a costume.”

“Whatever it takes, Goldie. Just get me an audition,” I said. “I’m up for a good costume drama. What’s the name of the movie and what kind of costume would I have to wear?”

“The working title is ‘Jaws V’ and you’d have to wear a large dorsal fin and act like a predator shark.”

“Oh,” I said.

Written for Christine Bialczak’s Simply 6 Minutes Challenge. Image credit: Romolo Tavani.

Share Your World — 04/03/2023

Share Your World

It’s hard to believe that it’s already April, isn’t it? Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her SYW questions for this week.

1. Do you have a favorite movie?

There are a lot of movies that I think are great, but my all-time favorite has got to be Mel Brooks’ “Young Frankenstein.”

2. Who is you favorite actor and actress?

Another tough one, as there are so many great male and female actors to choose from. For male actor, I like Sean Connery, not just because I consider him to be the definitive James Bond, but because he has a whole catalog of movies in which he demonstrated his acting chops. For female actor, I would say that Meryl Streep has to rank at the top of my list.

3. Do you attend or have you ever attended a live theatre production?

Before 2020 and the pandemic, we used to be members of Broadway in San Francisco and would see seven or eight live theater productions a year. When we lived back east, we would typically take a few trips a year to New York City to see Broadway shows.

4. Have you ever wanted to be an actor/actress?

Sure. Who hasn’t?


After an unusual wet and cold March, I’m grateful that April is bringing with it drier and warmer weather. And fair warning, I will probably start complaining about the heat by the time May arrives.

Fandango’s Provocative Question #188


Welcome once again to Fandango’s Provocative Question. Each week I will pose what I think is a provocative question for your consideration.

By provocative, I don’t mean a question that will cause annoyance or anger. Nor do I mean a question intended to arouse sexual desire or interest.

What I do mean is a question that is likely to get you to think, to be creative, and to provoke a response. Hopefully a positive response.

Let’s have some fun this week. Or what I hope you’ll think is fun. My question is simple. It’s all about favorites. If you were asked to name your absolute favorite in each of the following categories, what would they be:

  • Song
  • Musical artist or group
  • Book
  • Author
  • Movie
  • Television show
  • Movie or TV actor (male & female)
  • Stage play or musical
  • Live concert

Remember, I’m looking for your all-time favorite in each of these categories.

If you choose to participate, write a post with your response to the question. Once you are done, tag your post with #FPQ and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments. But remember to check to confirm that your pingback or your link shows up in the comments.

Get Your Act Together

“Cut!” the director yelled.

“Sheesh, what now?” Harry asked.

“Your performance,” the director said. “Where’s the moxie, Harry? You were wonderful in that other movie. You were dramatic yet whimsical. But today your acting seems flat, without altitude.”

“But this is an entirely different character than the one I played in that other movie. That one was a classic thriller, a contest between good and evil, whereas this movie is a slapstick romantic comedy.”

“That doesn’t make any difference, Harry,” the director said. “Classic thriller or slapstick comedy aside, showing your acting chops is not optional. So either get your act together or I’ll find another actor who can pull it off.”

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (moxie), The Daily Spur (wonderful), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (whimsical), MMA Storytime (altitude), Ragtag Daily Prompt (contest), and Word of the Day Challenge (optional).

Weekend Writing Prompt — It’s WHAT He Said

216C4CC5-B217-4671-A922-6FAE67B0AAC7He’s no amateur. He’s a consummate professional. He’s a lawyer, a prosecutor, not an actor. He’s Robert Mueller, not Robert de Niro. His testimony should be judged on what he said, not on how he said it; on its content, not its presentation.

But this is 21st century America. How sad.

(51 words)

D6CF8DAC-9486-403A-A709-273FC11D0972Written for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where we are challenged to write a poem or piece of prose using the word “amateur” in exactly 51 words.