I Need It To Be Worth It

“Congressman, you’re going to be facing an uphill battle trying to get this environmental bill passed given the opposition to it coming from the other party. How are you planning to do it?” The reporter asked.

“I am hoping that there are a few members on the other side of the aisle who understand the long term stakes of doing nothing,” the congressman said. “I think I may be able to twist a few arms.”

“It certainly won’t be easy, Congressman, to break what up to now has been a united front,” the reporter said.

The congressman gave the reporter a happy nod. “I don’t need it to be easy,” he said. “I need it to be worth it.”

Written for Athling2001’s The JSW Prompt, where the challenge is to write a post including this sentence: “I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it.” Also for Misky’s Twiglet, where the phrase is “happy nod.”

WDP — Camping

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever been camping?

Back in the day, I was a big time camper. Before I was married, I would go on camping trips three or four times a year with my buddies and/or girlfriends. My then-future wife and I also did a lot of camping, including going on a cross country trip via motorcycle, where we camped out along the way.

As a family, we also went on a lot of camping trips with our kids when we would visit national and state parks all around the country. Those camping vacations were so much fun for all of us.

But I have to admit that it’s been a long time since my wife and went camping. Our kids are grown up now and are doing their own thing, and my wife and I have reached the stage in life where a comfy bed in an air conditioned, bug and critter free hotel room has much more appeal than roughing it under the stars.

Although maybe one day we’ll give glamping a try.

Truthful Tuesday — Prompt Me

Di, of Pensitivity101, is our host for Truthful Tuesday. This week Di wants to know:

What kind of blogging challenges inspire you the most?

I like almost any kind of prompt. Q&A prompts like this one and Di’s Share Your World prompt or Rory’s The Garden Dawdler and Sadje’s Sunday Poser are fun.

I also like word prompts, be they one word prompts or multiple word prompts. And photo prompts, where the prompter gives us a photo or an image and asks us to write a story or a poem about what we see in that photo can get our creative juices flowing.

I like music prompts, like Jim Adams’ Song Lyric Sunday. Paula Light’s The Monday Peeve and TGIF give us the opportunity to vent and whine or to just blather on about whatever suits us.

Even some of the new WordPress writing prompts are decent.

So I guess my truthful answer to Di’s question is that any and all prompts can inspire me.

Fandango’s Story Starter #95

It’s time for my weekly Story Starter prompt. Here’s how it works. Every Tuesday morning (my time), I’m going to give you a “teaser” sentence or sentence fragment and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build a story (prose or poetry) around that sentence/fragment. It doesn’t have to be the first sentence in your story, and you don’t even have to use it in your post at all if you don’t want to. The purpose of the teaser is simply to spark your imagination and to get your storytelling juices flowing.

This week’s Story Starter teaser is:

He stood there for a long time watching them through the window.

If you care to write and post a story built from this teaser, be sure to link back to this post and to tag your post with #FSS. I would also encourage you to read and enjoy what your fellow bloggers do with their stories.

And most of all, have fun.

FOWC with Fandango — Distinctive


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “distinctive.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.