WDP — Most Expensive Meal

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it?

The honest answer to both questions is “I don’t remember.”

What I do remember is that when we lived in Southern California in the mid-80s, we would drive into Los Angeles and treat ourselves to dinner once or twice a year at the Ivy Restaurant.

I think it was a fairly expensive restaurant and I think the food was good, but I can’t specifically remember how much the meals actually cost or how good the meals tasted.

But I do remember that every time we had dinner at the Ivy, we always saw some celebrity dining there, too. TV personalities, movie stars, musicians. Every time we ate there.

Please don’t ask me to tick off the names of the celebrities we saw there. It was almost forty years ago since we last dined at the Ivy in Los Angeles. I do recall the one time we ate at the Ivy Restaurant in Santa Monica, one of the other guests dining there was singer/songwriter Jackson Browne.

I Need It To Be Worth It

“Congressman, you’re going to be facing an uphill battle trying to get this environmental bill passed given the opposition to it coming from the other party. How are you planning to do it?” The reporter asked.

“I am hoping that there are a few members on the other side of the aisle who understand the long term stakes of doing nothing,” the congressman said. “I think I may be able to twist a few arms.”

“It certainly won’t be easy, Congressman, to break what up to now has been a united front,” the reporter said.

The congressman gave the reporter a happy nod. “I don’t need it to be easy,” he said. “I need it to be worth it.”

Written for Athling2001’s The JSW Prompt, where the challenge is to write a post including this sentence: “I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it.” Also for Misky’s Twiglet, where the phrase is “happy nod.”