Thursday Inspiration

I had stayed home, mostly in bed, for the past week and a half because I was feeling under the weather. I did manage to have a Zoom call with my three offsprings, one of whom advised me to drink at least eight glasses of water in order to flush my system of germs. Another suggested that anyone with all of the pent up, repressed anger I was bottling up inside was bound to get sick. A third me to be more open to natural remedies and holistic therapies.

But today I was finally feeling better and being that it was a beautiful autumn day, I went out to the park with a large bottle of natural spring water, spread a blanket, and let the light, refreshing winds wash over me. I was unburdening my spirit of negativity as I watched, in what seemed like slow motion, the breeze pick up the individual seeds of the young dandelion and float them through the air.

It was therapeutic and mesmerizing until my allergies took hold and I couldn’t stop sneezing.

Written for Jim Adams’ Thursday Inspiration prompt, inspired by the photo above and by the word “breeze.”

Also for these daily prompts: The Daily Spur (stay), Ragtag Daily Prompt (under the weather), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (offspring), Word of the Day Challenge (flush), Your Daily Word Prompt (repress), and My Vivid Blog (open).

8 thoughts on “Thursday Inspiration

  1. Nope, Not Pam November 5, 2021 / 1:51 pm

    Hay fever, the bane of life

    Liked by 1 person

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