FFfPP — Stay Away From Spicy Foods

E9C58511-94C4-40ED-8DA9-57ECD141D1ECIt was pure happenstance that Tina had just left a class in emergency first aid when she encountered a man on the sidewalk outside of a restaurant who appeared to be having a heart attack. A crowd of people had gathered around him. Normally an aloof and indifferent person who hated to have an audience, Tina sprung into action. There was no time to evaluate, just to act.

She told one bystander to call 9-1-1. As she started the chest depressions, she saw a young woman who was in tears and was a basket case. Tina looked up at her. “What’s your name, honey? Can you tell me what happened to him?”

“I’m Dana and he’s my father,” the young woman said. “He knows he’s supposed to stay away from spicy foods, but he’s such a stubborn old coot and never listens.”

“Dana, I think I’ve got him stabilized. The EMTs are on their way and will transport your dad to the hospital,” Jenny said. “You should notify his primary care physician.”

“Thank you so much,” Dana said. “You saved his life. How can I ever repay you?”

“Just keep your dad away from spicy foods.”

(196 words)

Written for this week’s Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner from Roger Shipp. Photo credit: Gaborfromhungary at Morguefile.com.

Also for these daily prompts: Ragtag Daily Prompt (happenstance), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aloof), The Daily Spur (audience), Weekly Prompts (evaluate), Daily Addictions (basket), Word of the Day Challenge (spicy), and Your Daily Word Prompt (notify).

5 thoughts on “FFfPP — Stay Away From Spicy Foods

    • Fandango September 11, 2019 / 7:04 pm

      I suppose they can if you’re hypersensitive to spicy foods.


  1. Shweta Suresh September 11, 2019 / 8:19 pm

    Ohh my! I didn’t think spicy foods could have this effect on people. I love spicy food, so it would be a nightmare if it were to happen to me! But thankfully, I’m not allergic to spicy food.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje September 11, 2019 / 10:24 pm

    Good story! A bit short on facts but it’s okay in fiction. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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