SoCS — Chicken Little

CC6A2691-AE74-42C4-A3D0-BE2807C8D44BYou all know the story of Chicken Little, right? She was walking along, minding her own business, when an acorn fell from a tree and hit the top of her head. Chicken Little, convinced that the sky was falling, became hysterical and set out to tell the king, a lion (“The Lion King”?), that the world was coming to an end. On her journey, Chicken Little met other animals, including Henny Penny and Ducky Lucky, and convinced them that the sky was falling. She persuaded them to join her on her mission to warn the lion about the impending disaster.

As they continued on their quest to find and warn the lion, they realized that they were not sure how to find him. That was when Chicken Little and her troupe ran into sly Foxy Loxy, who assured them that if they followed him, he’d take them to the lion.02E32EDC-0ACB-4CA7-9928-19B4D8162D93 But when Foxy Loxy got them to his lair, he, as foxes by nature are wont to do, ate them all.

So why am I telling you this little tale? That’s an excellent question. I told you about Chicken Little because, for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, Linda G. Hill has asked us to “write about anything that falls from the sky — real, imagined, or idiomatic.”

Now I admit that when I saw the word “idiomatic,” I thought “idiot.” And as this is a stream of consciousness post, my mind turned to the idiot in the White House.

When he was running for president in 2016, his campaign rhetoric was all about how the American sky was metaphorically falling. And, like Foxy Loxy, he lured the distraught voters into his lair with his “sky is falling” claims of doom and gloom and his boast that, “I alone can fix it.”

And having lured all of the worried Chicken Littles, Henny Pennys, and Ducky Luckys into his lair, he started the process of eating them in order to satisfy his own unenlightened self-interests. And so the orange fox not only did nothing to “fix it,” he did everything to make sure that the sky was, in fact, falling on and destroying our country.

10 thoughts on “SoCS — Chicken Little

  1. Marleen May 4, 2019 / 12:48 pm

    Speaking of “I alone…” it always seemed to me he was trying to make a reference to a song. It’s an obsessive/narcissistic type of song, particularly as is his use of the words that he (Trump) “alone” can do anything. The official song video has a barren tree and a snake.

    It also speaks of temptation: “I alone tempt you.”

    I appreciated reading your stream of consciousness on the unenlightened orange fox and the Henny Pennys and Chicken Littles and so forth.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. leigha66 May 5, 2019 / 12:38 pm

    Excellent SOC! If only the masses would remember Sly Fox is only out for himself, MAYBE our future would look better.

    Liked by 1 person

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