WDP — Balancing Act

Daily writing prompt
How do you balance work and home life?

Easy peasy for me. I’m retired, so there is no work life. There’s only home life. 

For me, a more realistic question is how do I balance my online life (i.e., blogging on WordPress) and my offline life (i.e., real life).

I’m still trying to figure that out.

JusJoJan — Real-World Matters

I am sitting at the kitchen table, sipping my morning coffee, just having finished reading the morning paper. My iPhone is in my left hand and the screen I’m looking at is blank. My right index finger is poised above the virtual keypad, but I can’t think of anything to write. So I go to ChatGPT, an AI engine. I type in, “I can’t think of anything to write.”

“No worries,” it responds. “Would you like a writing prompt to get you started?” it asks.

“Knock yourself out,” I answer.

Craft a short story set in a futuristic city where people communicate through holographic messages. You can explore the challenges or benefits of this advanced form of communication,” it suggests.

“Maybe later,” I respond. “My cold cereal is getting soggy.”

“I understand,” it writes. “Real-world matters take priority.”

For today’s JusJoJan prompt, Linda has given us the word “craft,” as suggested by Astrid, who resides here. Image credit: Bing Image Creator.

Sunday Poser — I Am Who I Am

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

Do you share your personal information with your friends in real life or on line?

“Personal information”? You mean like my Social Security number, my credit card number, my Medicare number, my driver’s license number, or my bank account number? No, I don’t share that kind of information online. Unless the party asking for that information happens to be a Nigerian prince who needs such information in order to send me a boatload of money or a young, beautiful Russian girl who needs a loan to get to America.

Or by “personal information,” do you mean what’s happening in my life? Well, I blog anonymously, so I am careful with what personal information I share on line. But here comes the ironic part. I probably share more about me on my blog than I share with friends and acquaintances in real life.

How does that work? Well, I’ve made no secret here on my blog that I’m an atheist. But very few people in the real world, aside from my immediate family, know that about me. And anyone who reads my blog knows that I’m liberal in my political orientation. But again, I typically don’t discuss my personal political perspectives with anyone outside of my inner circle of family and very close friends.

And as long as we’re talking about religion and politics, when it comes to sex, that’s nobody’s business but my own (and my wife’s, of course), both online and in the real world.

It is, when I think about it, somewhat strange that I feel more comfortable sharing some personal information with people I’ve never met in the real world than with people I’ve met and know in real life.

As to sharing information or news about others, I rarely do that — or at least attribute it, on my blog or in real life — to the actual person. For example, I might reference a friend of mine who lost his or her job or who won the lottery, but I would never specify who that is…here on my blog or in the real world.

WDP — My Name

Daily writing prompt
Where did your name come from?

If this question is about my real-world name, my answer is that, like almost everyone else on Earth, my parents named me. I was apparently named after my deceased maternal grandfather.

If this question is about the name I use for my blog, which is different from my real name because I blog anonymously, I answered that in this post last month.

WDP — Balancing Act

Daily writing prompt
How do you balance work and home life?

Easy peasy. I’m retired, so there is no work life. There’s only home life.

For me, a more realistic question is how do I balance my online life (i.e., blogging on WordPress) and my offline life (i.e., real life).

I’m still trying to figure that out.