#JusJoJan — The Senator’s Press Conference

“Senator,” one reporter said, “You assured your constituents that the government would take steps to get the vaccines out to those who are most in need. And yet here we are, not even close to having enough of the vaccines available to meet the demand.

The senator ran his fingertips along his chin in an attempt to make it seem as if he were seriously contemplating the matter. “We are,” he finally said, “working very hard to ensure that we have sufficient vaccines available in the near future.”

“Senator,” a second reporter said, “I’d be remiss if I didn’t raise the issue about how you’ve been gallivanting all around the country on various boondoggles, rather than focusing on doing your job. You seem to balk when it comes to carrying out your responsibilities to the people you represent.”

The Senator abruptly stepped away from the podium while reporters shouted out additional questions for him. His press secretary stood up and said, “The press conference is over. The senator will address no further questions.

Written for Linda G. Hill’s Just Jot It January prompt, where the word is “fingertips.” Also for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (assured), The Daily Spur (government), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (remiss), Ragtag Daily Prompt (galavant/gallivant), MMA Storytime (future), and Word of the Day Challenge (balk).

3TC — If Only

AECBAF8E-F2FC-4BF5-ADEB-C59F7BD719DF“You people in the lame-stream media go out of you way to write mean and nasty things about me,” the president whined at his press conference. “Why don’t you ever write about all of the wonderful things I’ve done for this country and all of my great accomplishments in my first term in office.”

A journalist from one of the nation’s most highly respected newspaper stood up and responded to the president. “Sir,” he said, “you stand before us and tell lie after lie. You take no responsibility for the catastrophes brought about by your ineptness and incompetence, and you attempt to blame everyone but yourself for the terrible state our country is in. Sir, it will be a cold day in hell before I knowingly lie to my readers as you knowingly lie to the American people.”

The other journalists all stood and applauded their colleague.

Written for today’s Three Things Challenge from Di at Pensitivity101. Today’s three things are “media,” “way,” and “cold.”

One-Liner Wednesday — Would or Wouldn’t

“I don’t see any reason why it would be Russia.”

Donald Trump in Helsinki on July 16, 2018

Donald Trump now claims to have misspoken on Monday at the press conference after his one-on-one meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. When asked by a journalist about whether he thought that Russia had interfered with the U.S. presidential election in 2016, what Trump actually said was, “I don’t see any reason why it would be Russia.”

But when he returned Monday from the summit, Trump said that he “realized there is some need for clarification” about his remarks on Russian interference in the election.

“In a key sentence in my remarks” Trump pointed out, “I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t.’”

“The sentence should have been: ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia,’” he said. “Sort of a double negative.”

And that sort of reminded me of another mix-up of the words would and wouldn’t Trump previously made, which mix-up was perfectly captured in this Facebook post I came across:


Written for Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt.


E27597BA-C4F5-4865-B328-7E22790569EFI just watched the President of the United States of America perform a blatant act of treason for the whole world to witness. I am sitting here and typing this with tears in my eyes and feeling as if I just received a gut punch.

Please tell me that this is a nightmare or an episode of the “Twilight Zone.” This can’t possibly be real. This must be flash fiction.