TMP — I Am So Not Peeved

Every Monday, Paula Light, with her The Monday Peeve prompt, gives us an opportunity to vent or rant about something that pisses us off.

My peeve today is about, well, nothing. In fact, I’m feeling very upbeat today. Unusually upbeat, actually. It’s a beautiful, cool, crisp, autumn day. Around 60°F, not a cloud in the sky, and just a whisper of a breeze.

We got some desperately need rain this past week. The “big red wave” that the Republicans expected in the midterm elections never materialized and the Democrats maintained a sliver of a majority in the Senate. And, all things considered, the Dems suffered only relatively small losses in the House. So Democracy in the U.S. lives on, for the time being, at least.

The Ukrainians are surprisingly embarrassing Vladimir Putin and the big, bad Russian military on the battlefield. And we had a great week and a delightful weekend with our houseguests. Even the stock market was way up last week.

So I have nothing to grouse about this week. I am not pissed off. I am not peeved in any way. I will bask in this glorious day, for who knows what craziness and chaos tomorrow may bring.

Share Your World — 11/14/2022

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. Does the weather affect your mood?

Only if I have plans that will be affected (one way or the other) by the weather.

2. If a stranger smiles at you or says ‘good morning’ when they pass you in the street, do you return it?

I will typically return the smile or nod my head, but rarely speak.

3. If you had a choice of just one of these things to eat, what would it be and why?
Chocolate, a sweet pastry, a plate of chips/fries (this is not a forever choice, just one instance).

Depends what else, if anything I’m having. If I’m having a sandwich or a burger, I’d choose chips/fries. But if it’s a dessert following a meal, I’d go with a sweet pastry. And if it’s just a quick snack on the run, probably a Snickers bar.

4. If you could go back to when you were a specific age, what would that be? Why?

I’d probably go back to when I was 22 and had just graduated from college. That was the age at which I started my real life, and didn’t realize the ramifications of some of the decisions I made at the time. Of course, I wouldn’t necessarily want to go back to that age unless I would know then what I know now.


I was very grateful to have had some very specials friends as houseguests this past week. And now I’m grateful that they have left and I can get back to my regular routines.

Hello/Goodbye hands from Klaus Hargreeves at Esty.

SoCS — Outside Lands

06B71C58-6BFE-41DD-8342-6BF9F7B8E09A“Where is that music coming from?” Larry asked. Larry is an old college buddy of mine who lives in Chicago. He and his wife are our houseguests while visiting San Francisco for a week. Larry agreed to walk with me while last night while I took our dog out for her final walk of the day. It was about 9:15 p.m.

“That’s the Outside Lands Music Festival,” I said. “It’s an annual outdoor summer event at Golden Gate Park. It runs through Sunday night.”

“Wow,” Larry said. “And you can hear the music from there all the way over here?”

“We only live three blocks from Golden Gate Park, Larry,” I said, “so of course we can hear it from here.”

“Do you ever go and watch the performers?” Larry asked.

“We have gone a few times, but it’s kind of a zoo and the three-day pass is expensive,” I said, “so we’ll pick one night, and head over to the park with some folding chairs and a cooler and set up just outside the perimeter of the festival and listen to the performances. It’s almost as good as being near the performers, but it’s free. If you and Judy are up for it, we can do that tomorrow night.”

“Definitely,” Larry said.FF601F4E-3FEC-433E-9377-839108740C34

Written for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt from Linda G. Hill. Our challenge today is to “Start your post with the word ‘where’ and write whatever comes to you.”