Looking Back at 2020

No words are necessary to assess what an awful year 2020 was. I’m not going to waste my time — or yours — looking back at why it was such a…

  • Shitshow
  • Dumpster fire
  • Clusterfuck

No, instead, as I reflect back on 2020, I’m going to focus on the few positive aspects of 2020 for me, personally.

  • My wife and I moved to a new home in February
  • We sold our old home for considerably more than we were asking in mid-March, just as the stay-at-home orders were imposed. Phew. πŸ˜…
  • Our first grandchild, a boy, was born in May
  • Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected President and Vice President in November.
  • Our daughter-in-law found out in December that she’s pregnant and our second grandchild is on the way.
  • No one in our family, nor any of our close friends, came down with COVID-19.
  • My blog reached 4,000 followers.

On a sad note, our 15-year-old mixed Shepherd/Lab died in November.

Anyway, my friends, I’m not going to make a speech or anything, but 2020 is over and we have a brand new year to look forward to. So think positively and make the best of the new year. I mean seriously, it can’t possibly be any worse than last year.

Can it?

I did specifically write this post for Linda G. Hill’s Just Jot It January prompt, but when I saw that her word for today was “speech,” I managed to sneak that word into the last paragraph of this post.

Truthful Tuesday β€” The Best of 2020

Frank, aka PCGuy, has published another one of his Truthful Tuesday posts. This week Frank accurately points out that for most of us, 2020 was a dumpster fire of a year. However, Frank posits that some good things may have occurred in 2020. So to that end Frank is simply asking us…

What is something positive that happened in 2020?

For me the answer is obvious. The most positive occurrence of 2020 was that my son and his wife had a baby boy, making my wife and me grandparents for the very first time. And they also just told us earlier this month that our daughter-in-law is pregnant again and their second child is due in August.

Other than that, though, Frank is right. 2020 was, indeed, a dumpster fire of a year.