D is for Damned

A2Z2020For this year’s A to Z Challenge I’m going to attempt to post an old saying or adage each day of the month of April (except for Sundays). I’m going through the alphabet, with the first letter of the adage beginning with the first letter of the alphabet (A) and continuing for 26 adages in alphabetical order until I get through the entire alphabet by April 30 — from A to Z.

I don’t know if it can be done, but I’m going to give it the old college try. Here’s my April 4th adage and it starts with the letter D.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

SoCS — Do You See the Dew?

E1E0FEAD-5BA6-44E7-9051-764476758B21“Do you know exactly how much is due?” George asked his wife, Alicia, who was staring out of the kitchen window. When she didn’t respond, he said, “Earth to Alicia. Hello? Hello?”

“I’m sorry,” Alicia said. “Were you saying something?

“Yes, I was asking you a question, but you appear to be transfixed on something,” George said. “What are you looking at?”

“Oh George, come see this. It’s beautiful.”

Reluctantly, George got up from his desk and joined his wife at the kitchen window. “So, what’s so fascinating?”

“Do you see the dew on the grass?” Alicia asked. “The early morning sun is glinting off the dewdrops. It’s as if each blade of grass has tiny little crystalline pearls hanging on them.”

“Yeah, very pretty,” George said sarcastically. “But I gotta write a check to your dentist, so if you can take your eyes off of the dew, do you know how much is due?”

Written for today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt from Linda G. Hill. This week Dan Antion subbed for Linda, who is on a book-signing tour. The prompt for today is: “do/dew/due.” Use one, use two, or use all three.