Please Accept My Apology

img_1918I have been remiss. For the past week, I have not read many of your posts or participated in many of the writing prompts I typically respond to. I can’t even be 100% certain that I read all of the posts from those of you who have responded to my daily Fandango’s One-Word Challenge, though I did try. I have no doubt that I missed a few.

I do have a reasonably good excuse, though, as I explained in this post. I was on the go from early morning until bedtime, sneaking in a few minutes here or there, often while sitting on the toilet (TMI?) or in bed at night before being overtaken by sleep, to do some reading and occasional posting.

But now that my out-of-town guests, bless their hearts, are gone and I will recapture some discretionary time, I’m ready to jump back in with both feet. Yay!

That said, I feel like I’ve missed a lot of really great writing, photos, and prompts. Unfortunately, there’s just no feasible way for me to go back and read every post each of you who I follow has published over the past week.

So I’m going to ask you to do me a favor. Please choose one post you posted in the past week, one that I haven’t liked and/or comment on, and one that you think shouldn’t be missed. And once you’ve selected that post, put a link to it in the comments on this post.

I promise that I will read your posts and I’m so looking forward to catching up on at least some of what I missed.
