Trump’s Space Force

I saw on my newsfeed on my iPhone today that yesterday afternoon Donald Trump tweeted out the brand spanking new U.S. Space Force logo.AC998F23-C9C9-417D-ACCD-3C37006B648450207286-F6A8-40BB-9C16-2540E6311F22I thought to myself, “That looks strangely familiar.” So I search the archived recesses of my memory vault and came up with this:FB2A0941-FE35-4509-9715-9B02C56F1C5ANo shit. Trump stole the Starfleet Command United Federation of Planets logo from Star Trek for his Space Force. What a copycat! Is there nothing sacred anymore? 

I wonder if Captain Kirk knows about this.

Kids Will Be Kids

637A36BD-24FA-4679-BEBE-F284FCF21BE8“Let’s play Star Trek,” Johnny said. “I’ll be Captain Kirk and you can be Mr. Spock.”

Billy shook his head. “No, I want to be Captain Kirk. You can be Mr. Spock.”

“Uh uh,” Johnny objected. “If I can’t be Captain Kirk, I don’t want to play.”

Sensing something problematic about to go down between the two boys, Johnny’s mother called over to them from the kitchen. “Boys, I’m going to fix a pitcher of iced tea. Do you want some?”

“Sure Mom,” Johnny called back to her.

“Thanks, Mrs. Redding,” Billy said.

“Okay,” Johnny’s mom called, “But I don’t want you running around with glasses in your hands. Why don’t you set up the Dungeons & Dragons board game?”

“Yeah,” both boys said simultaneously.

Written for today’s Three Things Challenge from Teresa at The Haunted Wordsmith. The three things are Captain Kirk, dungeons and dragons, and iced tea.