Make It Soar

“I should be done with the manuscript for my new novel by the end of the month,” Stephen told his publisher. “I think it will be very much to your liking.”

“It had better have some pizazz, Stephen,” Gary said. “Your last three books were flat, had no panache. They were snorers and we lost money on them. This one’s gotta be a winner.

“You’ll see when you get the manuscript that it’s a great work of science fiction. This book has a lot of excitement and flair to it, and with your team’s marketing prowess, this book should soar as if it’s powered by jet propulsion.”

“Let’s see what happens when my editor reviews the manuscript, Stephen,” Gary said. “And get it to him by the end of next week.”

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (novel), My Vivid Blog (very), Ragtag Daily Prompt (pizazz), The Daily Spur (fiction), Word of the Day Challenge (pulsion), and Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (week).

Throwback Thursday — Transitioning

Maggie, at From Cave Walls, and Lauren, at LSS Attitude of Gratitude, alternate hosting Throwback Thursday. The idea of the prompt is for them to give us a topic and for us to write a post in which we share our own memories or experiences about the given topic. This week, Maggie noted that “part of growing up is finding you own way of self-expression.” To that end, she asks us to talk about “Transitions and Modifications.”

Here are Maggie’s questions.

1) Think about your first haircut. Were you the kid that cut your own hair? Did you go to a salon or did your parents cut your hair? Did your parents save a lock of your hair?

My mother probably cut my hair when I was still a baby. But after I grew up a bit, maybe old enough to start school, my parents took me to a barbershop for haircuts.

2) How about shaving? Fathers often teach their sons to shave. Most girls I know, decided for themselves when to shave their legs and their underarms. Some cultures do not shave at all.

My father taught me how to use an electric razor when my facial hair started to sprout at around fourteen. But at one point, probably when I was a freshman in college, I switched to shaving with a Gillette safety razor with double-edge “blue blades” after a girl told me my stubble, even after using my electric razor, irritated her skin.

After I switched to the Gillette razor, she said my face was as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Booyah!

3) Did you alter your clothes? Cut jeans into cut-offs? Cut the sleeves off t-shirts? Wear graphic tees? Tie-dyes? Sew patches on your jeans?

No, at least not as a young child.

4) Was there a time you remember challenging the authority in your household. Do you remember the first time you found your voice?

I probably went through the typical teenage rebellion phase, but I can’t recall a specific incident. Sorry.

5) What about piercings? Girls getting their ears pierced was a rite of passage for girls. Then boys started getting one ear pierced. As time passed, piercings became more mainstream and accepted.

To this day, and I’m in my 70s, I’ve never had either any piercings or any tattoos.

6) Did you walk on the wild side? Smoking? Drinking? Did your parents know?

I took up smoking cigarettes in high school and, yes, I did keep my cigarettes hidden when I still lived with my parents. I would also drink beer when I crossed over into the District of Columbia from my neighborhood in the Maryland suburbs because the drinking age in DC was 18, versus 21 in Maryland.

7) What about tattoos? Did you get a tattoo while still living at home? Did your parents approve?

As I said in my response to number 5, to this day, I’ve never had a tattoo. Why would I want to deface this bodacious body?

8) What about language? Was swearing allowed in your family? Did you use the same language around your friends as you did at home with your family?

Certain “swear” words, like damn and shit, were “tolerated” in our household. But most of George Carlin’s seven words you can’t say on TV were forbidden in our house, as well. However, with my friends, nothing was off the table.

9) Think back to high school. Girls, did you iron your hair? Did you color your hair? (using Sun-in counts!) Guys, did you grow a beard or moustache? Did you grow your hair long? Feel free to share a photo of yourself back in the day.

I grew my hair long in college. I grew a beard and mustache after I was discharged from the Army. I still have a beard and mustache, but my long, flowing hair abandoned me long ago.

10) Many people think our authentic self is the person we were as young children. Are you still inherently the same person you were as a child or have you changed your personality and demeanor along the way?

I would say I am not anything like I was as a young child. I was naïve and trusting without an ounce of guile. Not I’m a jaded, cynical, skeptic.

Simply 6 Minutes — One in Every Crowd

There’s one in every crowd, isn’t there? One who won’t go along to get along. One who always has to be different, who never just does what they’re told, who refuses to follow the crowd, who must put their individuality on display.

You are like that. You’re unlike the others. You’re one of a kind, in a class by yourself, swimming against the tide. You go your own way. You do your own thing.

That’s what I admire most about you. That’s what I love most about you.

Written for Christine Bialczak’s Simply 6 Minutes prompt. Photo credit:

In Pursuit of My Dream

“So you say you want to be a writer, huh?” Jacob’s father, Walt, said. “Well, son, my advice is don’t quit your day job.”

“Thanks for being so supportive, Dad.” Jacob’s voice was oozing sarcasm. “I am a really good writer and I am sure I can write a best seller. I have this great idea for a story about a beautiful mermaid who wants to be a human.”

“You mean like ‘The Little Mermaid’?” Walt asked.

“No, dammit,” was Jacob’s retort. “Not a children’s fairytale, Dad. Something more adult, sexy, you know what I’m saying.”

“Yeah, it’s called ‘Splash’ and it was a 1984 hit movie,” Walt said.

“Never heard of it, Dad. It was way before my time.”

“Jacob, you’re so gullible. Do you know how many kids like you want to write a best selling novel? There are around a million books published in the U.S. each year, including self-published books. Only an infinitesimally small fraction makes it to any bestseller list.”

“Your negativity is pervasive, Dad. Why can’t you encourage me to pursue my dream?”

“I’m pragmatic, Jacob, I’m a realist,” Walt said. “But you’re my son and I love you, so I’ll spot you for a year, for twelve months. Go write your mermaid book, get it published, and have it make the Times best seller list. If you can’t make it happen within a year, I’m cutting you off and you’ll be on your own. Do you understand?”

“Thanks, Dad,” Jacob said. “You’re the best.”

Written for these daily prompts from yesterday: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (writer), The Daily Spur (advice), Ragtag Daily Prompt (mermaid), Your Daily Word Prompt (retort), My Vivid Blog (gullible), and Word of the Day Challenge (pervasive). Photo credit:

FOWC with Fandango — Week


It’s August 18, 2022. Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “week.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.