Who Won the Week? 07/18/2021

FWWTWThe idea behind Who Won the Week is to give you the opportunity to select who (or what) you think “won” this past week. Your selection can be anyone or anything — politicians, celebrities, athletes, authors, bloggers, your friends or family members, books, movies, TV shows, businesses, organizations, whatever.

I will be posting this prompt on Sunday mornings (my time). If you want to participate, write your own post designating who you think won the week and why you think they deserve your nod. Then link back to this post and tag you post with FWWTW.

This week I’m going with the heartwarming human interest story of Gwen Goldman. Gwen has been a lifelong New York Yankees fan. As a 10-year-old, Gwen Goldman dreamed of being a bat girl for the New York Yankees, but she was turned down because of her gender.

Goldman wrote a letter to then-Yankees general manager Roy Hamey in 1961 about her dream to be a bat girl. Hamey replied to Gwen’s letter, saying, “While we agree with you that girls are certainly as capable as boys, and no doubt would be an attractive addition on the playing field, I am sure you can understand that in a game dominated by men a young lady such as yourself would feel out of place in a dugout.”

Earlier this year, Goldman’s daughter, Abby McLoughlin, reached out to the Yankees about Hamey’s letter — which Goldman has displayed on her living room wall. It caught the eye of current Yankees general manager Brian Cashman, who wrote Goldman a new letter offering her a spot as an honorary bat.

And so sixty years later, Goldman, now 70, finally got her wish.She was an honorary bat girl at a recent Yankees game, where she spent the day with the team, got a full uniform, met players, and even got to throw a ceremonial first pitch on the mound.

Gwen Goldman, you’ve come a long way, baby!

What about you? Who (or what) do you think won the week?

14 thoughts on “Who Won the Week? 07/18/2021

    • Fandango July 18, 2021 / 10:39 am

      Thanks. I thought so, even though I hate the Yankees.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Nope, Not Pam July 18, 2021 / 1:14 pm

    Great story, wonderful that they finally let her reach her dream

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Paula Light July 18, 2021 / 2:31 pm

    Southern California! No venue would host those lunatics MTG and Florida Man, so they had to yell on some street corner in Riverside. We rock!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marleen July 18, 2021 / 5:54 pm

    How could you be a bat girl when…
    … you’re a girl?

    What a wonderful daughter.

    Must be an outstanding family.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leigha66 July 31, 2021 / 10:30 am

    I saw this on the news… a worthy winner for the week!

    Liked by 1 person

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