Goodies For Grannie

On Saturday I drove to Amity Village to pick up some equipment I needed to finish the shed I’m building in my backyard and I decided to stop by at a Hallmark card store to buy a card for my sprightly and, for her age, robust grandmother for Valentine’s Day, since I was going to be visiting in the nursing home on Sunday.

To my mind, I thought my exalted Grannie would love seeing me and would appreciate receiving my card. But the old biddy complained, saying that what she really wanted was a box of those chocolate, cream-filled candies. So today I went to the ice cream and sweet shop in the village, figuring that the chocolates would be on sale, since it was after Valentine’s Day, to pick up a box. And sure enough, the shop was having a two boxes of chocolates for the price of one sale, so I bought two boxes, one for Grannie and one for me.

Grannie enjoyed the chocolates. But later in the day after I got home, I looked at the invoice from the shop and saw that they charged me the full price for both boxes. I got in my car, drove back to the shop and complained. Fortunately, they had no reservation about making things right and gave me two more boxes of chocolates for free!

But this time I’m keeping both for myself. Screw Grannie, that ungrateful old witch.

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (amity/exalted), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (village/invoice), The Daily Spur (equipment/sale), Word of the Day Challenge (sprightly/mind), Ragtag Daily Prompt (robust/chocolate), and MMA Storytime (valentine/reservation).

12 thoughts on “Goodies For Grannie

  1. Sadje February 15, 2021 / 9:40 pm

    You should be more careful, lots of grannies here😂

    Liked by 1 person

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