SoCS — Yes, You Have My Attention

Linda G. Hill certainly got my attention when she defied convention and, for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, she gave us the instruction to find a word that ends with “tion.”

Well, here’s the situation. I’m not sure about my interpretation of her prompt, in that she said to find a word that ends in “tion,” but there are a ton of words — 13,113 in the English language — that end in “tion.” So, if I follow her direction, I worry that my action of finding and using more than one word ending in “tion” will put me in direct contradiction with her intention.

I’ve always had an affection for Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday and Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompts, but now I feel that I must proceed with caution. But what option do I have?

Then again, I probably shouldn’t make such a commotion about it. I’ll just go with the notion that I shouldn’t be that literal in thinking that she truly meant us to find only one word ending in “tion.” I’m going to more than fulfill the obligation to find one word that ends in “tion,” but I won’t go so far as to post a list 13,113 such words. That would certainly be considered an abberation.

So, instead, I’m going to have a celebration for having come up with about a dozen and a half words ending in “tion, which admittedly is just a small fraction of those words that actually do end in “tion.” But I will bask in my satisfaction that I have been able to bring this post to completion.

Have a nice day.

11 thoughts on “SoCS — Yes, You Have My Attention

  1. Paula Light September 19, 2020 / 5:28 am

    Applause in appreciation!

    Liked by 1 person

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