Bohemian Rhapsody


It’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t heard the Queen song, “Bohemian Rhapsody.” It’s a true classic and a brilliant piece of music. I love that song so much that when it came to choosing a pseudonym to use for this blog, I chose “Fandango.”

Yes, there is a sexy Spanish dance called the Fandango. And there’s a smartphone app named Fandango that is used to purchase movie tickets.

But my Fandango can be found in these lyrics from the aforementioned Queen song.

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning,
Very, very frightening me.

Bohemian Rhapsody was written in 1975 by the band’s lead vocalist, the late Freddie Mercury. It had a resurgence of popularity in 1992 after it appeared in the movie Wayne’s World.

I’m bringing that song up today, more than four decades after its original release, because, due to recent political events, the verse from which I derived my pseudonym needs to be updated.

The Mooch

Anthony Scaramucci arrived on the Washington political scene barely a week ago when Donald Trump named him as his Director of Communications. Almost immediately, The Mooch has come close to dominating the news about the shitstorm that is going on at the White House.

The fallout since Scaramucci surfaced has been incredible. Trump’s Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, quit almost immediately. Yesterday, Trump’s Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus either quit or got fired, depending upon who’s doing the telling.

But there’s more. Scaramucci’s nickname for Priebus is Reince Penis. Is this guy in the third grade or something?

And to add insult to injury, The Mooch contacted a writer at The New Yorker magazine and called Priebus “a fucking paranoid schizophrenic.” He also told the writer that, unlike Steve Bannon, he, Scaramucci, is “not trying to suck his own cock.”

And so, I propose a few minor alterations to the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody to make it more relevant for 2017:

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramucci, Scaramucci, don’t mess with Fandango.
White House infighting,
Very, very frightening me.

Yes, Scaramucci is, indeed, very, very frightening. But so is everything about the presidency of Donald Trump.

So why would anyone be surprised by the ascension of the latest jester, The Mooch, to the court of King Donald?

Pest Control

A present from my cat.

I live in a high density urban environment and a fact of life when living in the big city is pests. Pests like mice, raccoons, and rats.

But my wife and I have enlisted an efficient and economical method of pest control. We have a dog and a cat.

Our dog is an effective deterrent when it comes to raccoons. Whenever she sees or even senses a raccoon, she’s off to the races, running the critter up a tree or over a fence. She also goes after squirrels and gophers with the same zeal. So far, though, she has yet to catch any of her prey.

Our cat, on the other hand, is a more adept hunter. On more than one occasion, he has presented us with a gift in the form of a recently deceased mouse or rat, like the poor rat in the picture above. It’s then my job to pick up the spoils of my cat’s hunt in a baggie and deposit it into the trash, while my wife rewards our cat for its offering by giving him a treat.

So forget about hiring expensive pest control companies. Pets are the best form of pest control.

This is my entry for today’s WordPress one-word prompt, “pest.”

SoCS — Idle Threat


“I’m gonna tear you limb from limb!” the snearing bully yelled at his intended victim.

“Go right ahead and try. Give it your best shot!” cackled the snake.

This very short, yet poignant (?) post is for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday from Linda G. Hill. The prompt is to write a post using the word “limb.”