Jingle Jangle

Image result for spurs that jingle jangle jingle

When I saw today’s one-word prompt, “jangle,” three songs came to mind.

One was the Gene Autry song from back when I was a kid. It was actually recorded before I was born and I don’t remember much about the song other than this refrain:

I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
As I go riding merrily along
And they sing, “Oh, ain’t you glad you’re single”
And that song ain’t so very far from wrong

I was just a kid, so I didn’t really understand the meaning, but it was catchy.

The second was Bob Dylan’s Mr. Tambourine Man. It’s relevant refrain is:

Hey Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle mornin’ I’ll come followin’ you

I preferred the Byrds’ version of the song over Dylan’s. The Byrds’ version was released in the same year as Dylan’s version and became a number one best-seller.

The third song was Jerry Jeff Walker’s Mr. Bojangles. Although the song was originally recorded by Jerry Jeff Walker in 1968, I mostly remember the version sung by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band from 1970. This song was also catchy. But I wasn’t sure I could use if for today’s prompt, since it’s “Bojangles,” and not “jangle.”

And that’s why I’m glad I thought of the Gene Autry and Bob Dylan songs first!

Note: this post has been edited by me because in the original version I attributed Mr. Bojangles to Bob Dylan, when, in fact, it was composed by Jerry Jeff Walker. Sorry about that.

Steam of Consciousness Saturday — A Limerick


For this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday post, Linda G. Hill’s instruction was to find a word with “ick” in it or use it as a word itself.

I wrote a poor excuse for a limerick for my last post, and since the word “limerick” ends with an “ick,” I thought I’d compose another limerick for this challenge. Hopefully a better one.

Are you ready? Here goes:

There once was a bastard named Rick

Whose behavior was that of a prick

We finally decided

We could no longer abide it

Cause that icky prick Rick made us sick.
