#writephoto — The Fringes of Reality

2E601259-487F-45B2-A60A-346AEF2F80F6The townspeople were split on what they saw in the distance. Some were in awe of the contrasts — the light blue sky above the dark, blue-gray clouds, and fiery golden-orange glow stuck between the clouds and the land on the horizon. They thought of it as a work of art and a lot of folks were out snapping pictures with their cameras and smartphones.

But others were worried that, with the record breaking heat and oppressive humidity, the gathering clouds preceding a forecasted cold front were an ominous sign of a wild tornado in the offing.

And then there were those apathetic townsfolk who were unfazed by the sky, neither in awe of its beauty nor in fear of the threat. They just went about doing whatever it is they normally do.

And finally there were the conspiracy theorists, those living on the fringes of reality, the “sky is falling” Chicken Littles. They pointed at the clouds and started shouting about government-created chemtrails generating toxic clouds designed to foul the air and poison the population, and they warned the others to prepare for the inevitable apocalypse.

Unfortunately for humanity, the conspiracy theorists were right. Well, mostly right, anyway. It was, indeed, a poisonous, toxic cloud. But it wasn’t from the government. It came from outer space.BA0294F7-5563-40CF-BE4D-4874D33164B7

Written for Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Prompt. Top photo from Sue Vincent; bottom photo from the 1953 movie, “It Came From Outer Space.” Also written for today’s Ragtag Daily Prompt (prepare).

20 thoughts on “#writephoto — The Fringes of Reality

  1. Marvin Edwards July 26, 2019 / 3:46 pm

    Tom was sitting at his desk when Marge called him over to the window. “Look”, she said, “what do you think that is?”

    “I don’t know…I’ve never seen anything like it”.

    Soon, everyone was at the window.

    “Oh my God!”, yelled Marge, as people caught in the fog began to fall to the ground…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. willowdot21 July 31, 2019 / 4:37 am

    That’s brilliant, I love it. Run for the hills, oolau. It won’t do you any good but run 😟

    Liked by 1 person

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