One-Liner Wednesday — Okay, Four-Liner Wednesday

“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.”

Groucho Marx, American comedian, actor, writer, singer, stage, film, radio, and television star

I saw this quote from Groucho Marx and it’s not like his typical witty one-line quips. And even tough it’s not a one-liner, I think it’s a wise and worthy piece of advice.

Written for Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt. Photo by Weegee (Arthur Fellig)/ International Center of Photography/ Getty Images.

Thursday Inspiration — Yesterday, Today, Tonight, and Tomorrow

For this week’s Thursday Inspiration prompt, Jim Adams has instructed us to respond to this challenge by either using the prompt word, today, or anything else that we think fits.

Im going with the story of a man and a woman who meet and something magical happens between them. Or at least it seems that way.

Yesterday we talked on the phone for hours and it was like we’ve known each other for years.

Today we met at the cafe for coffee and it was like magic.

Tonight I’ll be cooking dinner for us at my place for our first date and you’ll be mine completely.

But tomorrow, when the sun comes up in the morning, will you still love me?

Or will my heart be broken?

Oops, I screwed up. Instead of duplicating my May 11th Thursday Inspiration post in order to create this new post, I overwrote it. And that’s why some of the comments on this post are comments meant for my May 11th Thursday Inspiration — Sea of Love post, which if you want to read, click here.

One-Liner Wednesday — On Procrastination


“A procrastinator’s work is never done.”


I don’t know who is responsible for this one-liner or for the definition shown in the image at the top of this post.

But I don’t feel like trying to find that out today. Maybe I’ll get to it tomorrow.

Written for today’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt from Linda G. Hill.