#FOWC — An Organized Mind

B520E40C-B666-4680-A24D-F56F1565747B.jpegI’ve always prided myself on having an organized mind. I have the ability to comparmentalize things in my head, and that enables me to save time and to get things accomplished in an otherwise chaotic world.

I use a method of classification to separate those things that are essential from those that are nice-to-haves and from those that are frivolous.

That’s not to say that I don’t do any frivolous things or that I avoid the nice-to-haves to focus exclusively on the essentials. I just make sure to get the essential stuff out of the way so I can enjoy those more frivolous things life has to offer.

Okay, Fandango, let’s get real. Yes, I compartmentalize things, but the truth is, while I ultimately get around to the essentials, doing the frivolous things is so much more fun.

Perhaps that’s why the “honey do” list my wife manages never seems to get any smaller.

Written for today’s Ragtag Daily Prompt, “time,” for the Your Daily Word prompt, “classification,” and for Fandango’s One-Word Challenge, “essential.”

One-Liner Wednesday — A Round Tuit

IMG_2621“Someday is not a day of the week.”

Novelist Janet Dailey

My wife maintains a fairly robust “honey do” list. I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to checking off the items on her list. When she periodically asks (bugs) me about what progress I’ve made on her list, I’ll often say something like, “I’ll get to it when I get around to it.”

One day she handed me a gift-wrapped box, which I excitedly opened. Inside the box, wrapped in tissue paper, was a wooden coin with the words “A Round Tuit” carved onto it. “What’s this?” I asked.

“You said you’d clean out the garage when you got around to it,” she answered. “So I got you a round tuit. Now you have no excuse.”

The last time she asked me if I’d done any of the tasks on her list, I told her that “I’ll get it done someday.”

She looked at the large calendar hanging in our kitchen and said, “I see Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, along with a number of other days, but I don’t see Someday. Can you show me where Someday is on this calendar?”

I can imagine novelist Janet Dailey confronting her husband when he tells her that he’ll get around to doing something on her honey do list someday, and throwing “Someday is not a day of the week” in his face.

Written for this week’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt from Linda G. Hill.