Share Your World — 04/29/2024

Share Your World

Wow, I can’t believe it’s the end of April already. Where does the time go? Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. Have you ever had a hangover? How old were you?

There have been many mornings where I have woken up with my arms wrapped around the porcelain goddess. I’m sure my first hangover was when I was in high school, so I must have been 17 or 18.

2. Was your favorite social gathering place a pub, club, or restaurant?

Yes to all of the above, plus the roller skating rink and the billiards hall.

3. Which do you prefer to play: darts, pool/snooker, table football, or a card game?

Of those listed, my answer is pool (billiards). I also used to participate in weekly poker games, was in a bowling league, and would either host or go to someone else’s place for Sunday NFL football-watching get-togethers.

4. Do you still meet up with your friends on a regular basis?

No. Most of those I used to hang out with were back East. Since moving to California, most of my social interactions and activities are with family.

WDP — Playtime

Daily writing prompt
Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

It’s not regularly scheduled as much as it is spontaneous, but nearly every day my wife and I will sit across a table from each other and play some games. These include card games like Crazy Eights or Rummy 500 or dice games like Yahtzee and Backgammon.

If we’re with another couple, like our son and daughter-in-law or our daughter and son-in-law, we enjoy playing Hearts or Spades. And, if we want to do our own thing, I play solitaire on my iPhone competing against myself, while my wife prefers playing hearts on her smartphone, competing against three computerized opponents.

These are our “playtime” activities.

Truthful Tuesday — The Games People Play

Frank, aka PCGuyIV, has returned as host of Truthful Tuesday. Di, Pensitivity101, has been ably holding down the fort during Frank’s hiatus, but we’re glad to have Frank back. This week, Frank wants to know…

As a child, did you enjoy playing traditional games (board games, card games, dominoes, etc.)? Do you still enjoy playing games now? If so, what was and/or is your favorite game?

Yes, I did enjoy board games and card games. My earliest board game recollection is Candy Land.

Chutes and Ladders and The Game of Life were two other board game we used to play when I was little and the first card game I learned was War. Other early card games were Go Fish and Crazy Eights,

As I grew older, I used to love to play Clue, Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, Checkers, and Chinese Checkers, Backgammon, and Yahtzee. In college I got into nickel-dime-quarter poker games at least twice weekly.

Until my kids went off to college, we used to celebrate New Year’s Eve each year playing games like Pictionary, Charades, Telefictionary, Scattergories, etc.

These days my wife and I will still play cards, like 500 Rummy or even Crazy Eights. If we have another couple over, we enjoy playing Hearts. And we still play Yahtzee and Backgammon. I also spend time playing Solitaire, but on my iPhone as opposed to with a physical deck of cards.

So yeah, games have always played a big part of my life.

Share Your World — 11/22/2022

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. As a child, did you prefer to watch TV, play games outside on a nice day, or read?

At various times, all three.

2. What would you rather do now, read a book, watch a movie at home, dine out with friends, or go down the pub?

These days it’s watch TV (movies or binge-watch TV series). Other than that, blogging and reading. Since the pandemic, dining out with friends is rare and going down to the pub is never.

3. Are you fashion conscious?

Not in the least. My wardrobe consists exclusively of Levi jeans, T-shirts or sweatshirts, or an occasional casual sports shirt. There is nothing at all fashionable about me.

4. Do you wear slippers, clogs or go barefoot indoors?

SoCS — Bored Games

“I’m bored, Daddy,” Erica said.

“I am too,” her younger brother Tommy said.

“But you kids love to play Clue,” Ben said. “It’s your favorite board game.”

“I’m bored with board games, Daddy,” Erica said. “I want to play virtual reality video games like they have for Oculus Quest.”

“I do too, Daddy,” Tommy said.

“Well,” Ben said, “Maybe we’ll see if Santa will bring you something like that for Christmas. In the meantime, let’s finish our game of Clue.”

“Mommy, I’m bored with board games,” Erica called out to her mother who was fixing dinner in the kitchen.

“I am too, Mommy,” Tommy said.

“Deal with it, Ben,” Mona shouted. “I’m busy.”

Written for Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, where Linda has given us the words “board” and “bored.”