Share Your World — 04/29/2024

Share Your World

Wow, I can’t believe it’s the end of April already. Where does the time go? Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. Have you ever had a hangover? How old were you?

There have been many mornings where I have woken up with my arms wrapped around the porcelain goddess. I’m sure my first hangover was when I was in high school, so I must have been 17 or 18.

2. Was your favorite social gathering place a pub, club, or restaurant?

Yes to all of the above, plus the roller skating rink and the billiards hall.

3. Which do you prefer to play: darts, pool/snooker, table football, or a card game?

Of those listed, my answer is pool (billiards). I also used to participate in weekly poker games, was in a bowling league, and would either host or go to someone else’s place for Sunday NFL football-watching get-togethers.

4. Do you still meet up with your friends on a regular basis?

No. Most of those I used to hang out with were back East. Since moving to California, most of my social interactions and activities are with family.