Fatherly Advice

Son, let me give you some fatherly advice. If you want to follow the family tradition of being a petty thief, you have to be less obvious when plying your trade. If you’re going to steal something in broad daylight, you need to not exaggerate your movements when you glom onto something. And you should not spout about what you stole. I mean you don’t want people thinking you’re a just a common kleptomaniac, do you?

Written for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (obvious), Word of the Day Challenge (daylight), My Vivid Blog (exaggerate), Your Daily Word Prompt (glom), Ragtag Daily Prompt (spout), and The Daily Spur (kleptomaniac).

Share Your World — 9/6/2021

For this week’s Share Your World prompt, Melanie wants to know…

Do you believe in soulmates? (Melanie defines a ‘soulmate’ as the IDEAL romantic partner.)

This may sound antithetical to Melanie’s definition of soulmate, but I believe that finding your “soulmate” is a matter of timing, attitude, and situation. Your “soulmate” often turns out to be the person you’re with when you’re ready to make a “lifelong” commitment to someone, and when your attitude and situation makes that the feel like the right thing to do.

Of course, the sliver of romanticism that exists in me admits that such timing, attitude, and situation may come together because you have found your soulmate.

What are three scents you like?

Coffee brewing, fresh popcorn, and freshly baked goods.

What are some things that you might be considered too old to do, but that you enjoy?

So is the question about things I enjoy doing but I no longer can do because I’m too old? Or is it about things I still do — and enjoy doing — even though some may believe I’m too old to be doing them?

If it’s the former, most such activities involve a combination of diminished reflexes and potentially more brittle bones that old age brings. Things like downhill skiing or motorcycle cruising. If it’s the latter, even as a septuagenarian, I’m still into bicycling and hiking.

What is one food you absolutely refuse to share?

I have no food that I refuse to share with anyone else. In fact, if there is a particular type of food that I love, I will encourage others to take a taste. I’m just that kind of a guy. 😉

Blogging Insights — Days Are Numbered

Dr. Tanya has decided to change things up a bit for her weekly Blogging Insights prompt. Instead of using the Q&A format, she’s going to provide us with a quote about blogging or writing and ask us to express our opinion about said quote.

This week Tanya has quoted Stephen King…

“If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered.”

This quote reminds me of the old saying, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.” Many of us bloggers express our thoughts, feelings, observations, opinions, and personal perspectives in our posts. Almost by definition, not all of our readers will agree with what we have expressed. Some might even take offense at what we wrote. That’s expected, especially given how fractured our world is today.

That said, I don’t think that truthfully expressing your thoughts and feelings about something results in no longer being a member of “polite society.” However, when it comes to comments people make on more “controversial” posts, polite society sometimes goes off the rails.

I try — albeit not always successfully — to avoid getting sucked into the vortex of negativity and nastiness when I comment on another’s post or when responding to comments others made on my post. I believe we can disagree with someone else’s opinion or perspective without being an asshole about it.

So bottom line, I don’t totally agree with Stephen King on this particular sentiment.

#1MinFiction — Focus

“Just be careful, pay attention, and, most important, focus on the road,” Carol’s father, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, told her. “It just takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience, but you’re doing fine. I’m sure you’ll pass your driving test next week.”

“This is crazy,” Carol snapped at her father. “You say I need to focus on the road, right? But how am I supposed to focus on the road and, at the same time, read all of the signs along the side of the road? It’s impossible!”

Written for Cyranny’s One Minute Fiction prompt.

Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #134

Welcome to Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge. Each week I will be posting a photo I grab off the internet and challenging bloggers to write a flash fiction piece or a poem inspired by the photo. There are no style or word limits. The photo below is from Pinterest.

For the visually challenged writer, the photo is of woman sitting on a chair in front of a bathroom sink and putting on a head on top of her body.

If this week’s image inspires you and you wish to participate, please write your post, use the tag #FFFC, and link back to this post. I hope it will generate some great posts.

Please create a pingback to this post or manually add your link in the comments.